Intermediate: Introduction
This section is designed for the intermediate skier who needs to get past the plateaus that make skiing a labor instead of delight. Introduced here are the methods by which instructors develop skills in their clients.
Skiing is an adrenaline sport, which fills the participant with the beautifully liberating drug anytime personal danger is perceived. If you are going down an easy slope at 10 m.p.h. and don't have the control to stop, your body will sense danger and release the chemical. That's the beauty of the sport; everyone can experience the adrenaline rush regardless of the skill level. The expert only gets the rush from an impressive cliff jump, for the beginner, it starts on the green slope. This is what makes the sport so attractive: its ability to naturally dope every person who puts on a pair of skis on any given day. The cliff jumpers of TV are the junkies who can't get the buzz by gliding down the groomed runs, they risk injury to feel alive.
Alpine Skiing School section in english version of WWW.SKI.BG is based on
"A Guide To Becoming An Expert: From First Time To A Lifetime"
by John Mukavitz Copyright © 1998