SKI.BG > ÑÊÈ â Áúëãàðèÿ -

. bg ski news : VIDEO REPORT of the SIVEN RollerSki Cup 2012 - 25 Àâãóñò 2012 - 17:28

ROLLERSKI (SKI.BG) -- Pn Augist 21st, 2012 the High Mountain Sport Complex “Belmeken” was host of the 17th edition of the international roller ski competition SIVEN ROLLER SKI CUP. Find more info here.

SKI.BG prepared a special video report in two parts, in which you can follow the whole race in the worst long and challenging distance - 19 km men from Youndola to Belmeken, and to see the winners in different age groups during the award ceremony. Enjoy!

Mega Photo Gallery with more than 3000 photos from the competition is COMING on SKI.BG!!!

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