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. world ski news : Just Married! Bode Miller wed Morgan Beck - 08 Îêòîìâðè 2012 - 08:05
Bode marries, and discusses return from surgery

Well, girls, you missed your chance. As of sometime today (Sunday Oct. 7) Bode Miller is a married man.

It's official!!! Mr and Mrs Miller. Photo © Morgan E Beck

In a Saturday interview at Minneapolis' Pierce Skate and Ski Shop, where he signed 450 posters in addition to anything else the crowd wanted, met six youngsters and two dogs named after him and let kids wear his Vancouver Olympic medals.

As for the wedding plans, he said: “We're just doing it on the boat. Pretty easy. No one there. Tomorrow.”

“The big day is here. This evening Morgan and I will be married on the back of the boat at sunset w harpers as our witness.” - Bode tweeted later on.

Miller discussed his knee issues in more depth, reporting that the knee he had micro-fractured late last season was progressing nicely, but adding that he will definitely error on the conservative side and will not rush to get back.

“This knee surgery is kind of the main hurdle right now," Miller said. “The procedure, the micro fracture I did, went pretty well and besides that I'm healthy (with) no physical issues. Since 2001 that knee has been pretty hurt. This micro surgery fixed that and when I'm done my leg should be in better shape that it has been in years. My fiancee, Morgan, is an athlete, too, so she understands. There's no pressure on her side as to whether I ski or don't ski.”

“Every single athlete I've heard of tried to come back from that surgery too quickly. It's a huge learning experience for doctors and medical systems surrounding those athletes,” Miller said. “They come back too quickly and pretty much undo all the stuff that was done, so I'm in a little bit of a grey area as far as the research around a micro-fracture. I would rather error on side of (being) more conservative.”

Miller said his surgeon “went in” to the knee again last week with a camera and reported the surfaces all look great, “But,” Miller said, “it hurt a bunch when I skied. Right now the biggest concern is the injury healing so that my knee works perfectly the rest of my life.”

He said he would continue through the preparation period as if he would ski in every race, but said it was also possible he wouldn't ski in any.

“I never hide this stuff. I don't know if I'm going to race every race, or none. I'm preparing as if I would ski them all, but doing it without putting stress on the joint. I've had seasons where I didn't put my downhill skis on at all until we got to Lake Louise.”

In short, until the doctors tell him all risk has passed, he doesn't anticipate skiing in competition.
October 07, 2012

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