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. world ski news : New BMW xDrive Trophy the coming season on the World Cup - 16 Îêòîìâðè 2012 - 08:49

New sprint ranking to be introduced on the FIS Cross-Country World Cup - BMW xDrive Trophy. The skier who wins most bonus WC points and bonus seconds gets in Falun a brand new BMW X1!

CROSS COUTNRY SKI. FIS is pleased to announce the introduction of a new sprint ranking in the FIS Cross-Country World Cup for bonus sprints in mass start competitions and bonus seconds in stage competitions. In close cooperation with FIS Marketing AG the new concept for the World Cup bonus sprints has been created to improve the presentation of the bonuses.The BMW xDrive Trophy will be put in place as from the 2012/13 season supported by the premium sponsor of the FIS Cross Country World Cup, by awarding two BMW X1 20d for the winners of the new ranking.

Animation of Competitions

FIS and its partners are always searching for elements that integrate additional animation and action in distance competitions. Special attention has been paid to awarding athletes who succeed in the bonus sprint challenges and to involving sprint specialists in distance competitions.

“The BMW xDrive Trophy will increase the interest of athletes in bonus sprints from the beginning until the end of the season. Intermediate bonus sprints were introduced two years ago to increase the excitement in mass start competitions. The value of these bonus sprints will be increased further with this opportunity to leave the Finals in Falun with a BMW car. I'm really looking forward to seeing the season’s last mass start races in Oslo and Falun in March 2013,” remarked FIS Cross-Country Race Director Pierre Mignerey.

We are pleased to support the newly initiated sprint ranking that should make Cross-Country even more attractive to spectators and athletes“, commented Johannes Seibert, Marketing Director at BMW Germany. “We are excited to find out whjch athletes will triumph in this ranking and are looking forward to some spectacular duels next season.“


The ranking will be calculated on the basis of bonus seconds and bonus World Cup points awarded from the beginning to the end of the World Cup season.

The winners of the new trophy will be the athletes (male & female) who have collected the most bonus seconds or/and bonus points during the season. One bonus World Cup point equals one bonus second.

The first bonus seconds will be awarded in the classical sprint at the stage 1 of Ruka Triple in Kuusamo (FIN). The last bonus seconds will be given out in the mass start competition in Falun (SWE), stage three of the World Cup Final on 23rd March 2013. The next day, on 24th March, two brand new BMW X1 will find their owners.

Understandable and Easy to Follow

FIS and FIS Marketing AG have been working together with BMW on a new visual identification and installations for the BMW xDrive Trophy that will be easy to follow and understandable for Cross-Country Skiing fans and TV viewers. Brand new TV graphics will be introduced.

“The new competition will augment the value of bonus sprints during the whole season. Bonus World Cup points and bonus seconds together with the BMW car will stay in focus for five months. Bonus point will get its own branding, including countdown signs to guide the athletes before the decision point. They will also make the sprint bonus points more visible for TV audiences. All bonus points/seconds will count and good sprinters will have a chance to go for the BMW car too. Three factors are important: the BMW xDrive Trophy will be easy to understand, straightforward to follow and it will create new potential for future communications,” Jürg Capol FIS Marketing AG Nordic Director stated.

Share the Pleasure

A pleasure of sports, fighting spirit, tackling the challenge of fierce competitions along with demanding snow and weather conditions are the common values shared between FIS and premium sponsor of the FIS Cross-Country World Cup BMW.

Virtual Standing 2011/2012

Looking back at the virtual unofficial BMW xDrive Trophy standing from last season, the classification on the ladies’ side remained open until the second to last competition of the season. In the end, Marit Bjoergen (NOR) would have driven away with the new BMW as she would have collected 483 points, whilst Justyna Kowalczyk (POL) would have finished second, only 3 points behind after the entire season.

On the men’s side Dario Cologna would have won the BMW car ahead of Devon Kershaw (CAN) and Petter Northug (NOR).

“I do love the dynamics that those intermediate sprints add and I seem to be decent at snagging them. I think that the new competition will make it even more exciting and enticing though – it’s almost a "most aggressive award" like they have in cycling. Should be fun to see who goes for it,” Canada’s Devon Kershaw says.
Tuesday 16 October 2012

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