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. world ski news : Vonn says she will consult legal team over FIS ruling - 10 Íîåìâðè 2012 - 11:21

In an interview with Eurosport’s Ski Pass in New York this week, four-time World Cup champion Lindsey Vonn said she's disappointed by the FIS decision, and she's not giving up her fight to race against the men.

Ski Pass: You have been making the front and back pages because you wanted to race against the men in Lake Louise. Why do you want to race against the men?
Vonn: Well, it doesn’t really matter now, does it? But, … yeah, I really wanted to race with the men as it’s a goal that I’ve always had. I guess it has been a more realistic goal the last couple of years, but unfortunately the FIS said that a woman is not allowed to race on the men’s tour, it has nothing to do with safety. It has to do with the fact that I’m a woman. I was very disappointed with that decision and I’m not going to stop trying. It’s something that I’m going to continue to push for. I’m just trying to explore right now how I can continue this effort. If I need to go to court or if I need to file some sort of petition. You know, I’m not exactly sure right now, but I’m talking with some people and trying to figure out what I can do.
Ski Pass: What do you have to say to those people who say that this was only a “media thing?”
Vonn: They will see. You know, I’m consulting with lawyers right now, I’m investing a lot of time and effort into this, and it has nothing to do with the media. I don’t need extra media attention! It has absolutely nothing to do with it. This is a personal goal of mine, and I want to see where I stand against the men. It’s the next level, you know. I have so much respect for the men, for what they are doing, how far they are pushing our sport and how strong they are, and how dynamic they ski. That’s the way I want to ski. I  want to push myself to that level, and his is the next step for me. That’s all! It’s pretty simple actually.
Ski Pass: What’s the hardest part of being number one?
Vonn: I think the hardest part of being number one is staying there, and finding the motivation to continue to work hard. I mean, sometimes, I feel like, when you have success, you sometimes get complacent, and it’s hard to continuously have that motivation every single day. It’s challenging, and I’m always trying to ski faster, and that’s what keeps me going.
Ski Pass: Is it lonely?
Vonn: Yes, it’s definitely lonely. I was lucky last year to have my sister traveling with me for a couple of races and she’s actually going to be with me on the World Cup this year for the whole season so that’s going to help. But it’s definitely lonely at the top. No one really wants to be your friend, it’s a difficult situation but I feel like I’m also very lucky too. My team mates are supportive and especially last year with all my personal troubles, everyone stood behind me. It’s tough, but you know, life is tough, you just have to keep going.
Read the full interview here.

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