SKI.BG > СКИ в България -

. world ski news : Serious injury for Marlies Schild at Are - 21 Декември 2012 - 12:52

ALPINE SKI. Austria's Marlies Schild will not be able to defend her slalom World title in less than two months at Schladming as she suffered another serious knee injury during her warm-up training at Are Thursday morning. The best slalom specialist on the tour (33 victories) fell so badly while training that she tore ligaments at her right knee as it has been confirmed afterwards by doctors who checked that knee at Innsbruck. She'll now undergo surgery there and will need at least three weeks prior starting intensive rehab.

The girl-friend of Austrian veteran Benjamin Raich has often been plagued by bad injuries at the beginning of her career. Three years ago she also injured herself seriously at an ankle while training in Soelden in October 2008.
All the best for your recovery Marlies !

December 21, 2012
Official Statement Austrian Ski Team:

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