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. world ski news : ISMF World Ski Mountaineering Championships 2013 starts in France - 10 Ôåâðóàðè 2013 - 19:21

SKI MOUNTAINEERING. Yesterday starts ISMF ski mountaineering World championships 2013. After welcoming in february 2012 ski mountaineering European Championships, Pelvoux, Puy Saint Vincent and Vallouise receive the 7th ISMF world championships!

PELVOUX, FRANCE Ð FEBRUARY 10: ambiance during the team race of ISMF World Ski Mountaineering Championships on February 10, 2013 in Pelvoux, France. (Photo by Sindy Thomas/Agence Zoom)

First start was scheduled for 10-th of february with the team race.

PELVOUX, FRANCE Ð FEBRUARY 10: JACQUEMOUD Matheo and BON MARDION William of France team during the team race of ISMF World Ski Mountaineering Championships on February 10, 2013 in Pelvoux, France. (Photo by Sindy Thomas/Agence Zoom)

France, sovereign on her own territory, offers a magnificent double win with two teams on the highest podium step for both women and men! - 10.02.2013

PELVOUX, FRANCE Ð FEBRUARY 10: ROUX Laetitia of France team during the team race of ISMF World Ski Mountaineering Championships on February 10, 2013 in Pelvoux, France. (Photo by Sindy Thomas/Agence Zoom)

The results

Mathéo JACQUEMOUD and William BON MARDION in the men’s race (2h32'17"), Laetitia ROUX and Axelle MOLLARET in the women’s race (2h59'49") give to France her first gold medals of these 2013 World Championships. The Italians, very strong this morning, take the second podium place for men and women with the team of Mathéo EYDALLIN and Manfred REICHEGGER (2h34'16") and Gloriana PELLISSIER with Elena NICOLINI for the women (3h04'44"). In third place, we have the second French team with Xavier GACHET and Alexis SEVENNEC (2h36'10"), while the Swiss ladies Maude MATHYS and Emilie GEX-FABRY (3h11'07") take the third place on the podium.

PELVOUX, FRANCE Ð FEBRUARY 10: GACHER Xavier,SEVENNEC Alexis,JACQUEMOUD Matheo and BON MARDION William of France team and REICHEGGER Manfred,EYDALLIN Matteo of Italia team during the team race of ISMF World Ski Mountaineering Championships on February 10, 2013 in Pelvoux, France. (Photo by Sindy Thomas/Agence Zoom)

The environment

An icy cold beginning (-20°c) with clear and sunny weather set off this first race of the 2013 World Championships in the Pays des Ecrins. The team race, often the most impressive as it takes place in high mountain territory, fulfilled its promises with competitors of a very high level engaged for victory. All along the trail visitors were out in force to offer encouragements to  the athletes who endured more than 2000m of altitude change in 2h30 for the winners.

PELVOUX, FRANCE Ð FEBRUARY 10: ambiance during the team race of ISMF World Ski Mountaineering Championships on February 10, 2013 in Pelvoux, France. (Photo by Sindy Thomas/Agence Zoom)

After climbing through the larch forests of the Puy Saint Vincent ski resort, it’s during the passage at the summit of the Pendine at 2786m that the public could appreciate the grandiose atmosphere of the race with the succession, on the run, skis on the rucksack, of the vertigininous flanks of the Pendine. Before reaching the impressive technical passage of the Sagnières, the competitors climbed the Col de Bal. The last 15 minutes of the race took them to the Narreyroux valley. The magnificent finish took place in the centre of the village of Vallouise, in front of the church, where the streets had been covered with snow so that the race could be the closest possible to the local public. 

The race

In the lead after 500m of altitude change and 15 min of racing during the passage of the ski resort of Puy Saint Vincent 1600, the French duo made up of William Bon Mardion, known as BMW, and the young French hope of the sport and local hero of the race, Mathéo Jacquemoud, were already in front. They never gave up their leadership of the race, gaining up to 2 minutes lead over their pursuers who said of them "that they were unbeatable today."

PELVOUX, FRANCE Ð FEBRUARY 10: ambiance during the team race of ISMF World Ski Mountaineering Championships on February 10, 2013 in Pelvoux, France. (Photo by Sindy Thomas/Agence Zoom)

"It’s heartwarming to see young Mathéo, a local boy, win at home when we see him all year long training around here", said a spectator, with emotion in his voice.

PELVOUX, FRANCE Ð FEBRUARY 10: ambiance during the team race of ISMF World Ski Mountaineering Championships on February 10, 2013 in Pelvoux, France. (Photo by Sindy Thomas/Agence Zoom)

In second position behind the French, the two Italian teams were elbow to elbow with Manfred Reichner and Mattéo Eydallin in Team 1 and Damiano Lenzi and Lorenzo Holzknecht in Team 2 who were at only 40s distance at the first control point. They were caught up in the second climb, before the Pendine summit (2786m) by the French team of Xavier Gachet and Alexis Sevennec who created the lovely surprise of rounding up the podium.

PELVOUX, FRANCE Ð FEBRUARY 10: ambiance during the team race of ISMF World Ski Mountaineering Championships on February 10, 2013 in Pelvoux, France. (Photo by Sindy Thomas/Agence Zoom)

PELVOUX, FRANCE Ð FEBRUARY 10: ambiance during the team race of ISMF World Ski Mountaineering Championships on February 10, 2013 in Pelvoux, France. (Photo by Sindy Thomas/Agence Zoom)

In the women’s race there was a magnificent start by the new duo formed by Laetitia Roux, the race’s local participant and the new young French hopeful, Axelle Mollaret who was inaugurating here her first World Championships with the Seniors, although she’s only 20 years old. They didn’t give up their leader’s position, gaining up to 5 minutes over their Italian pursuers.

PELVOUX, FRANCE Ð FEBRUARY 10: JACQUEMOUD Matheo and BON MARDION William of France team during the team race of ISMF World Ski Mountaineering Championships on February 10, 2013 in Pelvoux, France. (Photo by Sindy Thomas/Agence Zoom)

The Italian team made up of Gloria Pellissier and Elena Nicolini were elbow to elbow with the French team, while the Spanish team with Miriea Miro Valera and Marta Riba Carlos were at only  40s distance. They also would be caught up by the Swiss ladies and then by the Swedes to finally finish fourth.

PELVOUX, FRANCE Ð FEBRUARY 10: GACHER Xavier,SEVENNEC Alexis,JACQUEMOUD Matheo and BON MARDION William of France team during the team race of ISMF World Ski Mountaineering Championships on February 10, 2013 in Pelvoux, France. (Photo by Sindy Thomas/Agence Zoom)

So France really took off with a fanfare in these 2013 World Championships with the French teams at the top of their form, which presages a week full of emotion.

ISMF ski mountaineering World championships 2013
10th of February, 2013

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