SKI.BG > СКИ в България -

. bg ski news : Rogge Optimistic on Sofia 2014 Olympic Bid - 12 Март 2006 - 15:05

International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Jacques Rogge expressed hopes for succesufull cooperation for Sofia 2014 Olympic bid in a letter sent to Bulgaria's prime minister.

Prime Minister Sergey Stanishev received Rogge's reply to a letter sent from Bulgaria's government voicing its support to Sofia's bid to host the 2014 Winter Olympic Games.

In his letter to Rogge Stanishev wrote that he would work for Bulgaria's success, pointing out that Bulgaria's government and the state institutions will do everything possible for the organization of the olympic games and the spread of the ideals of the olympic movement.

We hope to continue our cooperation with the committee for Sofia 2014 bid and all institutions involved, Rogge wrote in his letter to Sergey Stanishev.
Wednesday, 8 March 2006

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