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. world ski news : Walter Hubmann is the new Swiss-Ski World Cup coach responsible for the speed racers - 05 Април 2013 - 17:40
Most recently Austrian Hubmann worked as head coach and sports director in Bulgaria

АЛПИЙСКИ СКИ. От Международната федерация по ски (FIS) съобщиха, че Валтер Хубман е новият треньор на швейцарския отбор по ски алпийски дисциплини, отговорен за подготовката за Световната купа на националния отбор мъже в скоростните дисциплини. Той заема мястото на досегашния треньор Роланд Платцер, който от своя страна поема женския отбор.

Валтер Хубман (отдясно) заедно с националната състезателка по ски Мария Киркова по време на Световна купа Банско 2012, фотография © SKI.BG

Както е известно от предни публикации на SKI.BG, по националност Валтер Хубман е австриец и е бил дългогодишен треньор в скоростните дисциплини в Австрия, грижейки се за супер-успешни имена в ските като Херман Майер, Щефан Еберхартер, Ханс Кнаус и Йозеф Щробл. След това той е работил за Хърватската ски асоциация, където, наред с всичко друго, е спомогнал за спечелването на Големия кристален глобус от Ивица Костелич. В началото на сега завършващия състезателен сезон 2012/2013 Хубман беше назначен от БФСки за главен треньор и спортен директор на българските национални отбори по ски алпийски дисциплини.

Независимо бързо наближаващия Олимпийски сезон 2013/2014, към настоящия момент ръководството на Направление алпийски ски към БФСки не е обявило официално промяната и евентуалните кандидатури за овакантения пост.

05 април 2013 г.

Следват подробностите от новината на ФИС в оригинал на английски език >

Swiss men's team confirms coaches

The Swiss men's team that is recovering from its weakest season in a long time has appointed the World Cup coaches for the Olympic season. The new men's head coach Walter Hlebayna, who replaced Osi Inglin after two seasons, has named the World Cup group coaches Walter Hubmann, Jörg Roten and Steve Locher to their positions. The C-team and European Cup racers will continued to be coached by Reto Nydegger and Michael Weyermann.

Walter Hubmann is new at Swiss-Ski and will be responsible for the speed racers, who used to be coached by Roland Platzer until now. Hubmann, who is a native of Neumarkt (AUT), was a long time speed coach in his home country and took care of athletes such as Hermann Maier, Stephan Eberharter, Hans Knauss and Joseph Strobl from 2001 until 2007. Thereafter he worked for the Croatian Ski Association where he helped, among other things, Ivica Kostelic to his overall World Cup title. Most recently Hubmann worked as head coach and sports director in Bulgaria. Roland Platzer meanwhile will be moving onto the Swiss ladies' team where he will coach the skiers racing both in the speed events and in the combined.

Hlebayna commented on his newcomer: "I have highest appreciation for Walter Hubmann and am of the opinion that his references and list of successes are unquestionable. He brings a lot of international experience to our team and knows all the downhill courses around the world well.“

The new group coach for the Swiss men's combined group including Carlo Janka will be Jörg Roten who used to coach the up-and-coming talents Caviezel, Pleisch and Tumler. "Jörg Roten is the right man for this task. He has demonstrated that he could bring the youngsters to the top and will be now coaching them together with the established racers in a larger group,“ explained Hlebayna.

Sepp Brunner, who has been coaching the combined group so far, is expected to stay at Swiss-Ski. Hlebayna would like him to coach athletes that require individual attention. In the past Brunner has already shown to do that well for example with Sonja Nef. However, Brunner has yet to accept the position.

There will be no changes with the coaches with the Swiss men's World Cup tech team and at the European Cup and C-Team levels. Steve Locher will continue as World Cup Tech coach, Reto Nydegger in the European Cup whilst Michael Weyermann will remain in charge of the C-team.
Thursday 4 April 2013

Original article by Swiss Ski Association is here.

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