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. world ski news : The World Snow Day Report 2013 is here - 24 Април 2013 - 21:46

WORLD SNOW DAY. The wait is over and the official World Snow Day Final Report 2013 is now published. The success of the 2nd edition of World Snow Day is reflected in the numbers and statistics within the report. Not only have the number of participants significantly increased from over 200’000 to more than 430’000 but areas such as social media reach, Organiser motivation, the variety of events, and public motivation to participate in the next edition of World Snow Day have also seen positive uptrends.

Divided into four primary sections, the report firstly looks at the actions taken to grow the event and attract new participants to snow sports by FIS and the World Snow Day partners. It then moves onto the World Snow Day Organisers and analyses areas such as the nature and geographical location of events, the impact of the World Snow Day brand and the likelihood of Organisers to be staging events for the next edition. Thirdly, the report focuses on feedback from the public, both from event participants and non-participants. The intention with this particular information is to provide World Snow Day Organisers and the snow sports industry with a valuable insight into what attracts people to the snow and the focus areas for future events. Finally, based on the information presented in the report, a series of suggestions about ways to improve future World Snow Day events are outlined.

FIS would like to express its thanks for all the feedback from Organisers and the public, hoping that the numbers will motivate even more to join the 3rd edition of World Snow Day on 19th January 2014!

The view the World Snow Day Final Report 2013 click here.
For further information on World Snow Day visit

April 24, 2013

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