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. world ski news : It`s Hero time at Zurich 2013 - 21 Септември 2013 - 18:23

FREESTYLE.CH, Zurich, September 21, 2013 -- The heroes of snowboard, freeski, FMX and MTB were welcomed by a blue-bird sky, a perfect set-up and a huge crowd of spectators on the first day of this year's In the style sessions every discipline crowned their On top Swiss FMX rider Mat Rebeaud impressed the audience with spectacular tricks earning his first crossover.champ title ever.

Sina Candrian, photo: Cyril Müller /

The 19th edition of started up with the STYLE day. 51 riders from 17 nations delighted in the style sessions with legendary tricks and stylish airs. The snowboarders offered classic tricks such as backside rodeos and backside 180. The freeskiers showed 720s in different variations and the mountainbikers beamed with 360s and tailwhips. The FMX riders wowed the crowd with backfllps and superman. The title and a ticket to ride in the crossover session went finally to Libor Pod mol from Czech Republic (FMX), Phil Casabon (Freeski) from Kanada, Sweden's Anton Thelander (MTB) and Halldor Helgasson (Snowboard) from Island.

Afterwards on the Landiwiese the legendary crossover session was on the program of This worldwide unique format, in which four riders from each discipline are competing against each other, was again a crowd puller. After an exciting final the enthusiastic spectators topped off the Swiss FMX-Star Mat Rebeaud as crossover.champ 2013. He jumped a "Flair" in the Quarterpipe, a special trick with a 5400 rotation, which only five riders in the world are able to perform. In the past the 31-year old was already three times on top of the podium. "I'm super stoked to get finally also the crossover.champ title," said the FMX hero. None less than the special air hero Felix Baumgartner put the golden cope over the shoulders of his Red Bull team buddy.

On Sunday the spectacle at continues from 11 am -7 pm. In the disciplines Snowboard and Freeski Big Air, FMX and MTB Dirt Jump the riders will battle for the freestyle.champ 2013 title and 100.000 US$ prize-money. There are still tickets available at the box-office, check out all information about the event on

Press Release
Zurich, September 21, 2013

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