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. bg snowboard news : Радослав Янков 9-ти в PGS-а на Универсиадата в Италия - 19 Декември 2013 - 17:10

СНОУБОРД, ЗИМНА УНИВЕРСИАДА, ТРЕНТИНО, ИТАЛИЯ. Националният състезател по сноуборд Радослав Янков (НСА "Васил Левски") постигна 9-то място в паралелния гигантски слалом от 26-тата Зимна Универсиада в Трентино, Италия! Радо премина с лекота квалификациите, като в квалификационния рън тази сутрин даде 3-то време от всички участници, а в последвалия елиминационен квалификационен рън чепеларецът постигна 4-ти резултат.

WUTrentino2013 - Snowboard parallel giant slalom, Photo by Daniele Mosna

В ранния следобед Янков се срещна в осмина финала с Аарон Марч от Италия, от когото за съжаление отстъпи с 1.43 сек в първия рън, а след това не можа да навакса изоставането във второто спускане, съобщиха от АУС Академик специално за SKI.BG. Така чепеларецът приключи участието си в Универсиада 2013. Благодарение на най-доброто му време в квалификацията извън челната осмица, студентът от НСА завърши 9-то място в крайното класиране на PGS. SKI.BG поздравява Радо за успеха!

Австрийците донесоха двоен триумф за своята държава в паралелния гигнатски слалом на Зимната Универсиада Трентино 2013, след като в големия финал на дамите 27-годишната Джулия Дуймовиц надделя над своята съотечественичка Сабине Шьофман, а при мъжете Сабестиян Кислингер победи италианеца Аарон Марч, именно който отстрани нашия Радо в осминафиналите и има в биографията си вече осем медала за Световната купа.

19 декември 2013 г.


Big success for Austria in Snowboard PGS

WINTER UNIVERSIADE TRENTINO 2013. It’s an Austrian double gold medal in Parallel Giant Slalom in Snowboard at the Winter Universiade Trentino 2013, after a high-level competition between World Cup athletes on the slope Palon in Monte Bondone. In the Ladies’ competition, the 27-year-old Julia Dujmovits prevailed over her compatriot Sabine Shoeffmann while Sebastian Kislinger beat Italian Aaron March in finals. Third place for Germany’s Selina Joerg – who took another podium after winning gold in Turkey two years ago – and for the Slovenian Tim Mastnak.

With a nearly 600m-long track (25 gates) and a bit less than 200m-difference in level, there was no shortage of drama, and the fog made the situation even more difficult for the athletes. The disappointment of the day was Switzerland’s Patrizia Kummer, fourth after being beaten by Austria’s Schoeffmann in the semi-finals. Italy’s Aaron March – who had already won eight medals in World Cup – aimed for gold, was not able to interpret the track at best and made it in extremis to the finals for a few hundredths against Korea’s Kim, who had beaten him in the first run of the semifinal.

In the gold medal race, March, the 27-year-old from South Tyrol and student at the University of Innsbruck – capitulated against the 25-year-old Kislinger, who won quite clearly, with an advantage of .57.


Julia Dujmovits (AUT), 1st place in Ladies’ PGS: "I’m really happy with my race because I didn’t feel in perfect condition, but this competition proves me that I’m making progress and that I can still improve. The track was very good and it was a great day despite the lack of the visibility.”

Sabine Schoefmann (AUT), 2nd place in Ladies’ PGS: "I am a 21-year-old girl from Längsee, in Carinthia. I study Economics at the Innsbruck University. For the team it couldn’t go any better. I am really happy for the team: it’s an important double success. I still don’t know if I will be part of the team for Sochi: Austria can only bring four athletes, and we are five."

Selina Joerg (GER), 3rd place in Ladies’ PGS: "I am 25, this is my second Universiade and I’m really satisfied with my performance because I managed to stay on the podium after winning gold in Turkey. It was a good race.”

Sebastian Kislinger (AUT), 1st place in Men’s PGS: "I am really satisfied with my performance. I didn’t I would win won and I hope that this success will give me the right push and give me even more motivation to qualify. A win gives you confidence."

Aaron March (ITA), 2nd place in Men’s PGS: “I’m happy even if this is a second place. Some of my rivals today were really strong, like Sebastian for instance. I will compete against him again in World Cup. In qualifications, I made an unforgivable mistake because I almost went off the track. The track was really challenging: this is why so many athletes fell.”

Tim Mastnak (SLO), 3rd place in Men’s PGS: "I expected to perform well and I did. I’m really proud because, not only because I raced with a broken boot, but I managed to earn bronze. I’m happy because in the previous Universiade in Turkey I finished fourth and today I’ve improved my result. This is another very important step forward for me".

Trentino 2013 Winter Universiade
December 19, 2013

Ranking Men’s race:

Ranking Ladies’ race:

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