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. world ski news : Rikard Tynell and Seraina Boner win La Diagonela 2014 - 12 ßíóàðè 2014 - 13:33

SWIX SKI CLASSICS. Rikard Tynell did a great performance winning this season’s first Swix Ski Classics race doing most of the race by himself. The tactics of Rikard and his brother Daniel was successful until the end, Rikard crossing the finish line just a few seconds before the chasing group.  After around 25 km Rikard got a gap and Daniel kept the pace down at the chasing group. Not many expected Rikard to make it till the end but a very glad and emotional Rikard Tynell got first at La Diagonela and got his first ever victory in longdistance skiing.

Winner Swix Ski Classics, La Diagonela, Rickard Tynell, Photo © Magnus Östh

”I am very happy winning this race, it’s like a dream. I got a gap but I didn’t think I would be able to keep the chasing group behind.  At some point I saw and heard that Daniel kept down the pace and I thought I had a chance, but if the race would have been 1 km longer, I probably wouldn’t have made it till the end. The high altitude didn’t affect me as I feared and I am so happy to win this race and I need time to actually realise this victory", says Rikard Tynell Team Tynell.

Just behind Rikard came a strong Team United Bakeries with Johan Kjølstad second and John Kristian Dahl third, showing strength in the team competition. Rikard Tynell takes the men’s yellow leader bib in the Swix Ski Classics first race and will carry the yellow jersey in the Italian race, Marcialonga in two weeks. John Kristian Dahl collected most sprint points and will wear the green Swix Ski Classics Sprint jersey in the next race.

In the women’s competition Seraina Boner, Team Coop won the women’s competition after a great performance at La Diagonela in her home country Switzerland.

Seraina tried to get a gap already on the first lap but the skiers followed and a smaller group continued for a while before Seraina and Larisa Shaidurova from Russia Marathon Team got a distance to the other women.  They kept a high pace on the second lap and Seraina and Larisa did ski most of the race together. It was a close race between the two and Seraina had to fight for the victory getting a gap the last few kilometres before finish.

Winner Swix Ski Classics, La Diagonela, Seraina Boner, Photo © Magnus Östh

”I am very happy to win at home in Switzerland. The race started quite slow but then we got a higher pace and it became quite tuff. We were mostly two girls that kept the other ones behind and the last few kilometres I got a gap to Larisa in the uphill and I was able to increase the necessary speed to win this competition", says Seraina Boner Team Coop.

Seraina Boner takes the women’s yellow leader bib in the Swix Ski Classics first race and will carry the yellow jersey in Marcialonga. Larisa Shaidurova, Russia Marathon Team came second and Susanne Nyström, Team Centric came third.
The Swix Ski Classics Team Competition is fronted of Team United Bakeries, second Team Centric third Team Tynell, fourth Team Coop and fifth Russia Marathon Team.

Next Swix Ski Classics race is Marcialonga, Italy on January 26th.
Press Release
Swix Ski Classics
Sun, January 12, 2014 2:33 pm

1         Rikard Tynell  Team Tynell
2         Johan Kjølstad  Team United Bakeries
3         John Kristian Dahl  Team United Bakeries
4         Simen Østensen  Team Centric
5         Stanislav Rezac  Team Centric

1         Seraina Boner  Team Coop
2         Larisa Shaidurova  Russia Marathon Team
3         Susanne Nyström  Team Centric
4         Olga Rotcheva  Russia Marathon Team
5         Laila Kveli  Team Centric

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