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. bg ski news : WORLD SNOW DAY 2014 VITOSHA - 19 Януари 2014 - 21:39

WORLD SNOW DAY (SKI.BG) -- A great day, happy children, a wonderful holiday! For the third consecutive year we keep in high honour the FIS World Snow Day.


Today, January 19, 2014, on the honour of the World Snow Day, WWW.SKI.BG – official online media of the Bulgarian Ski Federation, along with "Vitosha Ski", organized free ski lessons for children and adults on the "Vitoshko lale" (Vitosha Tulip) ski slope near the path "Aleko Hut" - "Bear glade".

"Vitosha Tulip" ski slope, which is a favorite of residents of Sofia in the near-by Vitosha Mountain, has become a lovely place this Sunday for guests and citizens of the city, where they celebrated the World Snow Day 2014!

The initiative has received overwhelming support with the day lift pass on the price of only 1 lev for children under 14 years of age, announced earlier by "Vitosha Ski" JSC .

Free lessons from 11:00h to 12:00h were led by professional ski instructors from the "Vitosha Ski" ski school. Dozens of children, youth and adults beginners went through the drill field for snow activities. There were many thirsty wishing to ski lessons even after lunch, which SKI.BG team unreservedly assist with personal experience for their first steps on skis.

All the time, from morning till late afternoon, many children and adults were gathered in the vicinity of Aleko Hut and "Vitosha Tulip" ski slope, for the most genuinely fun on snow-covered areas, sledging, skiing, snowboarding or just walking down the treated with artificial snow slope and surrounding trails.

For colorful crowd there were also ski demonstrations by young alpine ski competitors of the Vitosha Ski Club.

In the end, after the lessons were made an all together photo with participants in the World Snow Day in Vitosha.

Weather, though too warm for the season, helped that the mood in the World Snow Day at the Vitosha Mountain were really superb and... Snowy!!!

We want to send a special thanks to the Chairman of BFSki Mr. Tzeko Minev, who personally assist in ensuring the support of "Vitosha Ski" JSC and Mr. Petko Minkowski as the head of the Ski Club "Vitosha Ski" and the Board of BFSki who enthusiastically supported the initiative and provide a ski demonstrations by child team "Vitosha Ski Club".

Gratefully tremendous support for Mr. Radoslav Peev, Head of ski slopes department of "Vitosha Ski" JSC and his team for the preparation and securing of the ski slope of World Snow Day, and to Mr. Kalin Neshev, head of the ski school "Vitosha Ski" for providing ski instructors by "Vitosha Ski" for the free ski lessons, and to the ski teachers participated in the lessons themselves. Thanks for the dedication of the youhg competitors from "Vitosha Ski Club "along with their head coach Michael Sedyankov and his coaching staff.

World Snow Day is marked on the initiative of the Internationa Ski Federation - FIS and its main purpose is to get out in nature, on snow and on ski the children aged between 4 and 14 years, along with their families in one day filled with fun, adventure and various competitions on the snow.

More about World Snow Day 2014 in BULGARIA you can find here!

Вижте ПЪРВАТА ФОТОГАЛЕРИЯ на SKI.BG с избрани кадри от СВЕТОВНИЯ ДЕН НА СНЕГА 2014 на ВИТОША!. Очаквайте супер фотогалериите на SKI.BG от деня на снега 2014!!!

19 януари 2014 г.

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