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. световни ски новини : Audi партньор на кампанията Bring Children to the Snow - 05 Март 2014 - 21:15
След успешния Световен ден на снега и 400% увеличение на FIS SnowKidz събитията, ФИС с гордост обяви Audi като партньор на кампанията Доведете децата на снега

FIS е подписала тригодишно споразумение с Audi за партньорство в кампанията "Доведете децата на снега" (Bring Children to the Snow). Споразумението с Audi включва и двете програми на ФИС - FIS SnowKidz и Световния ден на снега (World Snow Day). Партньорството с Audi ще доближи още повече обикновените хора до зимните спортове и ще подкрепи събитията от кампанията на ФИС "Доведете децата на снега". Следват подробностите >>

By working together, FIS and Audi will have a chance to draw on decades of expertise to develop a series of activities to foster the next generation of snow sports enthusiasts.

Numerous projects will be developed with Audi with the aim to enhance and grow events globally. One of the key aspects of the agreement will be the creation of World Snow Day and FIS Snowkidz Toolkits.

The Toolkits have been specifically designed to assist Organisers stage World Snow Day and FIS SnowKidz Events. They are free of charge, can be delivered directly to the Organiser and become their property after the event.

FIS President Gian Franco Kasper remarked “We are delighted to have Audi become the primary partner of Bring Children to the Snow. The partnership shows Audi’s dedication and care for future generations. Following an enormous World Snow Day and a 400% increase in FIS SnowKidz events we are sure the partnership will be of great benefit to Event Organisers, event participants and Audi”

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Press Release
FIS Bring Children to the Snow
OBERHOFEN, Switzerland 5. March 2014

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