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. бг сноуборд новини : Сани Жекова в необичайното й амплоа - танцуваща звезда - 28 Април 2014 - 13:05

Днес уебсайтът на ФИС посвети специална статия на чаровната българска състезателка по сноуборд Александра Жекова и нейното необичайно превъплащение в звезда на танцовата сцена. Сигурно само малцина българи не са разбрали за участието на Сани в едно от най-гледаните у нас танцувални телевизионни шоу програми - "Dancing Stars" по Нова ТВ, но вниманието към новото й амплоа от страна на Международната федерация по ски отбелязва поредната златна точка в световната кариера на Жекова. Ето и материала на ФИС в оригинал >>

Photo: Nova TV / Dancing Stars Bulgaria

Alexandra Jekova – a Bulgarian Dancing Star

Some might remember Louie Vito (USA) who was the first pro snowboarder to attend the TV show Dancing with the Stars in the US a few years ago. In 2014, Bulgarian snowboard cross rider Alexandra Jekova followed his paths in her home country Bulgaria – and performed well.

Photo: Nova TV / Dancing Stars Bulgaria

The 26-year-old Sofia native 'survived' eight weeks before she decided to step out of the show four weeks prior to the final act due to her preparations for the up-coming season.

“I have to kick off my physical training for the next winter. At the moment I'm also studying and it was hard enough to find some time to practise my dancing skills. But it was an amazing experience to perform on such a glamorous scene and to meet all those people,” said the three-time Olympian who placed fifth in the Sochi SBX event.

“It was a challenge to perform 'live' with just three days of training for each dance, especially as I entered the show a bit later then the others - straight after my last World Cup race. So, I wasn't really well-rested and ready for another competition.”

But physical shape was one thing, allowing TV cameras getting closer to your private life than normal another task.

“I'm generally not a person who likes to be in the centre of attention. I'm shy and quiet, but here I had to be artistic, sexy and playful. It was an interesting experiment with a very good result,“ recalled the racer with so far 16 World Cup podiums to her belt with two of them coming as victories.

Alexandra Jekova and her pro dance partner Simeon Timov, Photo: APRA Poter Novelli

A very good results indeed as the other participating stars were people who had been dancing before or were somehow related to the 'scene' which made the competition a real serious one.

“I enjoyed it and I'll miss it for sure. My soul will never stop dancing, but now it's time to prepare for the next Snowboard World Championships!“

But till then, watch her last dance - the quick step - on the show:

See also the passionate tango of Alexandra Jekova and Simeon:

28 April 2014 11:33

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