SKI.BG > ÑÊÈ â Áúëãàðèÿ -

. world ski news : Wind forces cancellation of Jasnà GS - 05 Ìàðò 2016 - 14:16

ALPINE SKI. As forecast there were strong winds in the Low Tatras mountains this morning. The jury first decided to lower the start to the reserve position and to delay the start time by one hour. The wind, with gusts up to 80 km/h, didn't drop and unfortunately forced the organisers and the jury to cancel the 8th giant slalom race of the season.

“Nature is stronger,” FIS Chief Race Director Atle Skaardal said. “It was extremely windy and we had no chance to have a decent race today. The cancellation was a pretty clear decision.”

The focus is now on tomorrow's slalom race and the cancelled giant slalom race is now rescheduled for Monday 7th March 2016, with the following start times: 10:00 & 13:00 CET.

“We still except some wind tomorrow,” Skaardal continued. “If for that reason the race cannot take place, then we will reschedule the slalom race for Monday instead of the GS. But this is something we can't predict. For now let's focus on the slalom and take it day by day.”

“There is nothing you can do. The race course is amazing and the organisers sold all their tickets and it hurts to cancel that race,” Skaardal concluded.

Tomorrow's slalom race is schedule to begin at 10:30 and 13:30 CET.

FIS alpine
05 March 2016 11:52

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