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. world ski news : Russia’s Sochi Sets World Record for Skiing in Swimwear - 10 Àïðèë 2016 - 13:22

BIKINI SKIING. Russia’s Black Sea resort of Sochi, home to the 2014 Olympics, has smashed the world record for bikini skiing: over 1,000 participants simultaneously went down the slopes of Rosa Khutor resort.

photo © Artur Garibyan

The glamorous parade was part of the first BoogelWoogel mountain carnival which is set to wind up on Sunday. The organizers of the event said that around 2,400 people from 16 to 70 years old applied join in and over 1,000 actually showed up, breaking the previous record set in Siberia.

photo © Ìàêñèì Êèñåëåâ, Êîììåðñàíòú

The descent went smoothly, without any incident as it was headed by professional ski instructors.

photo © Sputnik/ Nina Zotina

Organizers are now waiting for the confirmation from the Guinness World Records commission. The previous record was set in the Sheregesh resort in Russia’s Siberia when up to 700 men and women went down the slopes, however Guinness only 500 counted skiers.

photo © Sputnik/ Nina Zotina

Meanwhile live music, snow sculptures, movies, performances and global après ski parties fill the resort, as part of the ongoing BoogelWoogel carnival.

17:47 09.04.2016

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