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. world ski news : Visma Ski Classics increases the Prize Money - 09 Íîåìâðè 2017 - 11:59

SKI CLASSICS. The long distance ski championship Visma Ski Classics increases the overall season prize money. In addition, the new award "Visma Skier of The Day" is launched.

One year ago the overall prize money in front of the season was EUR 200.000. This year it increases to EUR 235.000. In addition to the seasonal prize money, a minimum of EUR 21.000 is handed out as event prize money for each event. Vasaloppet has the highest event prize money with over EUR 50.000, awarding the winning male and female skier about EUR 10.000 each. This gives Visma Ski Classics Pro Teams and their athletes a total of about EUR 475.000 to compete about coming season VIII!

In addition, a brand new award is launched called Visma Skier of the Day, sponsored by Visma. The award will be handed out to the most offensive skier in each event, if there are one... The goal is to create more action within the races and award the skiers who dare to step forward and take charge, even if it might not lead them to victory.

– We believe the extra prize money will add excitement to the upcoming ski tour. Visma Skier of the Day rewards the hard work of athletes who usually wouldn’t get any distinction, and will contribute to creating even more positive experiences between our brand, the skiers and the teams, said Øystein Moan, CEO of Visma.

- I would like to thank our partners making it possible for us to increase the season prize money. Visma Skier of the Day is an award we introduce in order to enhance the excitement in the sport, last year we saw for example Petter Eliassen leading the pack in about 70km of Vasaloppet, without succeeding in winning the race. This year a similar attempt will at least lead to the accolade from the podium. " Says David Nilsson, CEO Ski Classics.

The season VIII starts on November 26th with a Prologue in Pontresina Switzerland. To stay updated with the latest new, download the Visma Ski Classics Play app. Visma Ski Classics VIII (2017/2018):

Event 1: 26th November, Prologue Pontresina Switzerland 10 km

Event 2: 2nd December, La Sgambeda Livigno Italy 35km

Event 3: 13th January, Kaiser Maximilian Lauf Seefeld Austria 60km

Event 4: 20th January, La Diagonela St Moritz Switzerland 65km

Event 5: 28st January, Marcialonga Trentino Italy 70km

Event 6: 3rd February, Toblach-Cortina Italy 50km

Event 7: 18th February, Jizerska Padesatka Czech Republic 50km

Event 8: 4th March, Vasaloppet Sweden 90km

Event 9: 17th March, Birkebeinerrennet Norway 54km

Event 10: 7th April, Reistadløpet Bardufoss Norway 50km

Event 11: 14th April, Ylläs-Levi Finland 67km

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Press Release
Visma Ski Classics
Thu, November 9, 2017 11:02 am

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