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. world ski news : High-performance alpine ski training resumes in some countries - 14 Ìàé 2020 - 18:56

ALPINE SKI. When many of the European countries eased their lockdown restrictions, organised sport training was able to resume in some of the big ski nations.

The Austrian Ski Association already presented its training concept earlier and the first Alpine training groups came together in Sölden to train on the glacier, although the camp was cut short by unfavourable weather. The next training camps are planned for women and men and also in other disciplines this weekend.

Swiss Ski resumed training from 11th May after their protection concept was approved by the public authorities. The concept takes all 11 disciplines into consideration and defines the framework and conditions under which high-performance training can commence.

The Slovenian team around downhill World Champion, Ilka Stuhec intend to begin training in Kanin (SLO) next Monday. The coaches of the men’s and women’s teams will assess the situation on location and if the conditions still allow, training will begin from May 19th.

FIS Newsflash
13 May 2020

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