SKI.BG > ÑÊÈ â Áúëãàðèÿ -

. bg ski news : Jumping hill record broken up three times at Winter European Youth Olympic Festival in Poland - 18 Ôåâðóàðè 2009 - 13:03
The second athlete who crossed the record was Bulgarian athlete Vladimir Zografski

SKI JUMPING. Slovenian athlete Peter Prevc won ski jumping individual competition in 9th Winter European Youth Olympic Festival and set new jumping hill record with distance 107 m.

Peter Prevc (Slovenia)

First series of competitions stood on very high level. Until now record was set on 104,5 meters distance. The first competitor which broken up the record was Swiss Adrian Shuler achieving 105 m. The second athlete who crossed the record, only a few minutes after Shuler, was Bulgarian athlete Vladimir Zografski who landed on 106,5th meter. Even better was Slovenian Peter Prevc with 107 meters distance and finally he became Skalite Ski Jumping Hill recorder.

Vladimir Zografski (Bulgaria)

-I did not expect my victory, just like braking up the record – said overjoyed Slovenian – I’m very happy that it turned out this way. Arriving to Szczyrk I dreamed only about achieving first tenth. Wind conditions during my jumps were great, what surely helped me making such excellent result.


Coach of Vladimir Zografski, privately his father Emil Zografski, was also gloated over – Vladimir achieved very high, second location and I’m very happy but in fact I expected my sons victory. Presently he is in very good shape regardless we don’t have any ski jumping hill in Bulgaria. We train in Germany.

Slight dissatisfaction has been left after polish athletes jumps. Best polish competitors Grzegorz Miętus and Tomasz Byrta achieved ex aequo seventeenth position. – We expected much more, especially from Grzegorz Miętus. During training series he landed on 106th meter, but he was unable to repeat this distance in real competition. After first series he was on tenth position. In turn Tomek Byrt made two equal jumps, but too short to satisfy him – summarized coach Jan Szturc.

During second series polish competitor, Artur Kukuła, got very serious looking fall. Only a few seconds after coming off the threshold he got strong wind blow, he couldn’t tackle his skis and hurtled the ground. Luckily got no harm. - He is little bit beaten-up, especially right elbow – said Jan Szturc – until tomorrow he shouldn’t feel anything because of this fall. He is very lucky that he haven’t broken anything.

Team ski jumping competition on EYOF will take place 19th February.

daily press release, 17.02.2009
9th Winter European Youth Olympic Festival


Ski jumping award ceremony - Vladimir Zografski (silver), Peter Prevc (gold) and Adrian Shuler (bronze)

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