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. world ski news : Manninen captures second victory this season in Nordic Combination - 02 Януари 2010 - 20:49

Hannu Manninen is the winner of the first nordic combined competition in the Olympic year 2010. In an exciting finish in Oberstdorf the 31-year-old, who returned to the World Cup last November after a one year break, won ahead of Austrian Felix Gottwald (returned to the World Cup also in November after a break of two years) and French Jason Lamy Chappuis and celebrated his second victory of the season.

Jason Lamy Chappuis, the best in jumping, and German Tino Edelmann (+0:03) started first in the 10 km race. Their lead ahead of the following group soon decreased, because Hannu Manninen, who was eighth after the jumping (+0:24), took the lead of this group. The Finn explained later: "I only wanted to get closer to Jason, that's what I did. At the moment everything is going great, and that although I was sick during the preparation period and I also face a double challenge with ski-training and my pilot-training. But in ten month this will be over and I'll be a pilot." Also Felix Gottwald closed up to the leading group after he was only 27th after the jumping ("My jump was really bad, I know that I can jump a lot better at the moment.")

Short before km 5 the group closed to gap to the two leaders - the competition became, like already in previous races - a mass start character. After about three quarters of the race it was sure that someone out of this 12 racers in the group will win the race. Among them strong sprinters like Jason Lamy Chappuis, Felix Gottwald and German Bjoern Kircheisen (before the race 17th, +0:44). So the last part of the race was about tactics: The right timing for an attack and the sprint would be decisive. On the last kilometer of the race five athletes could break away: American Johnny Spillane, Felix Gottwald, Bjoern Kircheisen, Hannu Manninen and Jason Lamy Chappuis. Then, at the last climb, Hannu Manninen took the lead of the group to be in a good position for the final sprint. Felix Gottwald tried to attack Manninen, but the Finn showed his strength and captured his third victory in Oberhof after 2004 and 2005 ahead of the 33-year-old (+1.1) and Lamy Chappuis (+2:4). Gottwald was only partly satisfied with his result due to his bad jump. "I felt good during the race. I thought that it can be enough to win, but Hannu is really strong in the final sprint. But I'm still happy with my shape and the result and I look forward to tomorrow!" Also Jason Lamy Chappuis, about ten years younger than Gottwald, was satisfied with his performance. "I had good results and thought that I'll just take what I can get. Now I finally get the affirmation that I'm not only a good jumper, but also a good cross country skier." The French defended his lead in the overall World Cup also after the eighth competition of the season.

Before the World Cup weekend the weather conditions in Oberhof were turbulent. The organizers faced some challenges due to thaw, rain, fog and snowfall. The provisional competition round was cancelled on Friday because of the strong winds. Also the jumping competition on Saturday was delayed because of difficulties preparing the hill due to snowfall. Under finally stable conditions Jason Lamy Chappuis could win the jumping portion of the event (132 m, 133.5 points), for the French this was the fifth victory in jumping this season. Second was Tino Edelmann with 129 m (132.7 points, +0:03), ahead of Austrian Wilhelm Denifl (130 m, 131.6 points, +0:08). Eric Frenzel also jumped 132 m, like Chappuis, but because of the new rules with the wind- and gate-factor, he was only fourth (131.4 points, +0:08). Right before the competition Frenzel fell after a 127.5 m jump in the provisional competition round, but suffered no injuries. Pavel Churavy was also fourth in the jumping. Tino Edelmann finished 15th in the race (+1:05), Austrian Denifl was 18th (1:13.5). After a fall in the race Frenzel came in tenth (+31.8), Churavy landed on a good sixth place (+17.3).
02.01.2010 18:37

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