SKI.BG > ÑÊÈ â Áúëãàðèÿ -

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SKI JUMPING. Norwegian Anders Fannemel won the two final Continental Cup competitions of ths summer in Wisla (POL).

The 19-year-old, who was second after the first round, won the event on Sunday with 134 mand 134.5 m and 279.5 points. Jure Sinkovec from Slovenia finished second with 275.2 points (131.5 m and 137.5 m) and could move up three places compared to the day before.

Anssi Koivuranta, former overall World Cup winner in nordic combined, finished third with 133 m and 125 m (262.9 points). So this weekend the Finn scored the necessary COC points this weekend that will allow him to start in the World Cup in the future. This good result will further intensify speculations of a possible change from nordic combined to skijumping.

The best team performance was once again shown by the Poles, who had four jumpers in the Top 10 in front of their home crowd. Their best was the only 16-year-old Klemens Muranka from Zakopane as fourth.

Fannemel already the best the day before

Anders Fannemel already won the first competition in Wisla with 272.2 points (131 m and 133 m) .

Behind the 19-year-old Norwegian, who was the best in both rounds, there was a duel between the teams from Poland and Slovenia. With 128.5 m and 126.5 m (259.6 points) Poland's Stefan Hula captured the second place, Robert Hrgota from Slovenia finished third with 258.0 points (126.5 m and 128.5 m).

With Grzegorz Mietus, Jure Sinkovec, Krzysztof Mietus, Rok Urband and Dejan Judez also the jumpers on the place four to eigth came from these two nations.

Kamil Stoch overall winner

The victory in this summer's overall COC ranking went to Kamil Stoch from Poland who could win a total of six competition and, with this very good results, earned his team an additional quota place for the World Cup.
02.10.2010 20:35

Results competition 1 in Wisla

Rank Bib Name Nation Distance1 Distance2 Total
1. 8 Fannemel, Anders  131.0 133.0 272.2 
2. 68 Hula, Stefan  128.5 126.5 259.5 
3. 59 Hrgota, Robert  126.5 128.5 258.0 
4. 55 Mietus, Grzegorz  126.5 127.0 256.3 
5. 57 Sinkovec, Jure  129.0 126.0 249.5 
6. 65 Mietus, Krzysztof  123.0 123.5 241.2 
7. 63 Urbanc, Rok  121.0 123.0 236.7 
8. 61 Judez, Dejan  123.5 121.0 236.1 
9. 29 Lackner, Daniel  117.5 126.5 234.2 
10. 66 Kot, Maciej  122.5 120.5 233.4 

Results competition 2 in Wisla

Rank Bib Name Nation Distance1 Distance2 Total
1. 57 Fannemel, Anders  134.0 134.5 279.8 
2. 61 Sinkovec, Jure  131.5 137.5 275.2 
3. 40 Koivuranta, Anssi  133.0 125.0 262.9 
4. 58 Murańka, Klemens  128.0 122.0 248.5 
5. 48 Lackner, Daniel  124.5 121.5 239.8 
6. 56 Zapotoczny, Andrzej  127.5 119.0 239.7 
7. 66 Mietus, Krzysztof  120.5 125.0 239.4 
8. 53 Pungertar, Matjaz  124.0 120.5 234.6 
9. 68 Hula, Stefan  125.0 118.5 233.8 
10. 62 Hrgota, Robert  119.5 123.5 229.9 

Overall ranking after 15 competitions
1 Stoch, Kamil POL 680
2 Janda, Jakub CZE 484
3 Strolz, Andreas AUT 396
4 Hula, Stefan  364
5 Zografski, Vladimir BUL 323
6 Hajek, Antonin  283
7 Chedal, Emmanuel  250
8 Zima, Rok  244
9 Bachleda, Marcin  230
10 Queck, Danny  229

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