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. world ski news : Bode Miller will use POC helmets and goggles - 19 Îêòîìâðè 2010 - 12:34

According to the POC website and attributed to Stefan Ytterborn, POC CEO and founder, Bode Miller has agreed to join the POC team and will use POC helmets and goggles this season, starting with this weekend's race at Soelden, Austria.

Ytterborn said his firm has tried to entice Miller to use its products for five years. “It is with great honor that Bode has chosen to come along a small but extraordinary and likable group of athletes,” Ytterborn wrote.

Miller had previously contracted with Briko for helmets and goggles.

Bode Miller on POC - finally

Starting with the World Cup opener in Soelden, Bode will join the POC team using helmets and goggles.

It has taken some time. When we started up POC 5 years ago, Bode was at the top of the list of the athletes we wanted to collaborate with. At the time, I went to meet with Bode´s agent Ken Sowles in Burlington, close to Bodes home town Franconia. I knew then chances were small. He was in the middle of a contract and at the time we really didn’t have the capacity to support him. Since then, I´ve been sending product info, samples and little notes, just not to loose the initiative, if the opportunity would pop up.

What happenend in Burlington was that, I came to realize that Bode was too far fetched but his agent Ken came up with the idea of looking at Julia Mancuso. I had heard about her from the Junior Worlds but not much more. We gave it a chance and the rest is incredible history.

It's with great honor that Bode has chosen to come along a small but extraordinary and likeable group of athletes.

Welcome to POC, Bode!

POC press release

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