SKI.BG > СКИ в България -

. bg ski news : The movie AT EQUILIBRIUM is ready for you at home as HIGH DEFINITION - 23 Декември 2010 - 19:41

The world-wide premiere tour became on of our BIGGEST so far. More than 10´000 people watched the movie at more than 40 premieres in 18 countries. The feedback was extremely positive with a lot of excitement towards our new project in Iran.

Finally the movie is ready for you at home as HIGH DEFINITION DOWNLOAD. Get your own copy on WWW.BLICKINSFREIE.DE

At the same time you can win UNIQUE PRICES:

1) The 111th download wins a HIGH RES PHOTO SELECTION (Please note: digitally provided)

2) The 333rd download wins a BLICKINSFREIE HD MOVIE PACKAGE (Please note: digitally provided)

3) The 666th download wins a RIPZONE T-SHIRT & LONGSLEEVE (Please note: Shipment is only included if the winner has a postal adress in Europe. No shipment covered outside European Union)

4) The 999th download wins a PRIVATE CONCERT BY PLAYFELLOW (Please note: Concert can only be performed within Germany which means the winner has to be a German based citizen. No concert will be performed outside of Germany.)

Early 2011 Blickinsfreie will release a BONUS FEATURE of "AT EQUILIBRIUM".

If you appreciate our projects please support our new project in Iran. Blickinsfreie is looking for support for our upcoming project in Iran. If this seems to be interesting to you and your company please get in touch with us or support our project straight by the donation system through our website.

ENJOY THE MOVIE AND GOOD LUCK! (The lucky winners will be informed via email. Conditions are subject to change.)

Have a nice Christmas time!
Rene Eckert

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