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. world ski news : Neureuther: Closer to the people - 01 ßíóàðè 2011 - 20:48
World Cup parallel slalom will take place at the Munich Olympic Park on Sunday

ALPINE SKI WORLD CUP. Mr. Neureuther, a World Cup parallel slalom will take place at the Munich Olympic Park on Sunday. In fact, you are a bit like the father of this idea?

CHRISTIAN NEUREUTHER: Correct, I as an organizer originally had the idea to ski at the Munich Olympic Park and in 1986 and '87 finally pulled it off at my own risk. The water pipelines for the snow cannons on the mountain actually still belong to me - I should probably ask for royalties! (laughs)

What memories have remained with you from that time?

That we were quite overwhelmed the first time around. We did not charge an entrance fee and then had 35’000 people show up. The floodlight masts were not sufficiently secured; I was scared that they could collapse any moment. And then people also went on the ice of the lake - thank god nothing happened. The second time we were well-prepared however.

You also organized an event in Berlin on the Teufelsberg, then there was a break with city events until the events in Moscow in 2009. Why?

The interest was always there and even at a significant level. But there were difficulties and resistance within the International Ski Federation (FIS, editor’s note): Some members obviously feared an alienation from skiing, which actually takes place in nature.

What then changed so that those events could take place in Moscow after a 23-year break?

Credit here really goes to the FIS Race Director Günter Hujara. His commitment to the city events was decisive.

And Moscow staged rather impressive events.

Absolutely! The 60-meter high ramp, 30’000 spectators - I was with my son Felix (ski racer, editor’s note) there, it was an absolute riot. I believe that FIS has understood the signs of the times.

Which would be?

Other kinds of winter sports have developed their ramps in the middle of the cities and deliver massive shows. That’s the only way to reach the young people. Skiing must come closer to the people. A 16-year-old has to say voluntarily: “I want to become a ski racer!“

What are the differences to normal ski racing?

The parallel slalom should in any case not be underestimated. One must be able to ski very fast and well. The biggest difference is the competitors, who are always right there at the back of your head and trying to gain a mental advantage already at the start.

How did Felix prepare for Sunday’s race?

We simulated some racing with an opponent. One must take that absolutely seriously; after all we’re racing for World Cup points on Sunday. If you look at the ladies’ side for example, those 100 points – that’s as much as for a victory in Kitzbühel - can make a real difference in the duel between Maria Riesch and Lindsay Vonn!

Will the race at the Olympic Mountain show the way for other City Events?

Different cities are interested already. A race could soon take place in Vienna.

And then - regular races?

A goal should be in any case be to make the City Events an integral part of the race calendar. A small series would ideally consist of two, three events per season. The period between Christmas and New Year‘s presents itself for this, there is not yet so much going on at that time.

By Julian Galinski /originally for Abendzeitung/
Saturday 1 January 2011

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