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. world ski news : Milka Ski-Girls on Valentine`s Day - 12 Ôåâðóàðè 2011 - 21:32

Even at the Ski Worldchampionship in Garmisch-Partenkirchen there will be a whiff of romance on the upcoming Valentine’s Day. On the great day of love, main sponsor Milka has a special surprise for all the ski fans on site. The Milka Ski-Girls Michaela Kirchgasser, Maria Riesch, Tina Maze, Sarka Zahrobska and Ingrid Jacquemod will sweeten the day of the visitors of the Milka Truck on February 14th.

On the occasion of the “Alpine Beauties” project, where the five Ski-Girls act as ambassadors for the valuable alpine region, they will distribute seeds of endangered alpine flowers and give autographs. They will be supported by Hubertus von Hohenlohe, who was the photographer of a “Alpine Beauties” shooting with the Ski-Girls past summer.


Milka Ski-Girls on Valentinesday

When: Monday, 14th of February, 15.00
Where: Milka Truck, Richard-Strauß Platz, Garmisch Partenkirchen
Who: Michaela Kirchgasser, Maria Riesch, Tina Maze, Sarka Zahrobska, Tina Maze and Hubertus von Hohenlohe

Information about the „Alpine Beauties“ project

Milka has been an active sponsor of winter sports for no less than 16 years. Whereas two years ago, at the Ski World Championships in Val d’Isère, the five Milka Ski-Girls in their Swarovski helmets were the centre of attention and brought glamour, style and fashion into the ski circuit, the “Alpine Beauties” project will be focusing attention during the current season on the natural beauties of the Alpine world. Flowers now bloom where crystals sparkled two years ago.

Alpine asters, white dryads, primroses & Co. – delicate blossoms on hard ski slopes

During the Alpine Ski World Cup they rival each other for every fraction of a second, but away from the ski slopes they are allies campaigning for greater awareness of the threats facing precious Alpine flora. Each one of the five women skiers has chosen an Alpine flower that is special to her. The five flowers stand as representatives of the endangered Alpine world and appeal as “Alpine Beauties” for wise stewardship of nature and species diversity in the Alpine regions.

Michaela Kirchgasser, for example, will be championing the Alpine Aster, a plant which enjoys full protection in her home region of Salzburg. Maria Riesch, winner of two Olympic golds, is fighting for the Clusius Primrose, which in Germany is classified as an endangered species, while Ingrid Jacquemod chose the Alpine Columbine, which is mostly found in France and Switzerland. Tina Maze is acting as sponsor for the White Dryad or Mountain Aven, a species which is widespread in the Alps, and Sarka Zahrobska is racing on behalf of the “Alpine Beauty”, Trumpet Gentian, the archetypal Alpine flower.

But not only the project with the Ski-Girls is a sign from Milka to create awareness of the alpine region. The cooperation with the biggest national park of the Alps, the “Nationalpark Hohe Tauern” was enlarged through an additional financial support for the renewal of an educational flower path. Additionally there will be the cooperation with the French organisation “Asters” which protects endangered flowers as well as the support of the Czech Krkonose mountains national park „KRNAP“ and of the Botanical Garden Juliana in Slovenia.
Saturday 12 February 2011

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