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. bg ski news : Jon and Bode start on a journey to Sofia - 26 Ìàé 2011 - 15:41
Jon Olsson and Bode Miller start to race in Gumball 3000 Rally across Europe

OTO. There we go! After a total of 60h without proper sleep I finally had a full night in a bed! So I hope that explains the blog pace… ;) We are right now at the grid of Gumball 3000! We were supposed to be nr 20 but somehow we are last in line! Sucky!!! ;)

Jon Olsson and Bode Miller with Nissan GT-R in London at the start grid of Gumball 3000 Rally 2011, photo ©

Just registered and got a Gumball jackets. Bode, Leif and Jon being interviewed before night's party. photo ©

As soon as we are on the road we will bang out updates every hour!

Its go time!

Oh and if I forgot to mention that, the Rebellion is still in Stockholm and will not make it. :( Its ok though, I have a back up plan… ;)

Never surrender never give up!

Thursday, May 26th, 2011 at 13:45

On the train. Good speed and no tickets! photo ©

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