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. bg ski news : Jon and Bode got the Lamborghini LP670 SV at a gas station near Paris, finally arrived in Barcelona - 28 Ìàé 2011 - 10:09
Never surrender, never give up!!!

OTO -- Gumball 3000 is on the road. Awesome skiers Jon Olsson, Bode Miller and Leif Kristian Haugen finnaly received their Lamborghini LP670 SV yesterday near to Paris.

Gumball 3000, 27 of May 2011, somwere in France, Jon Olsson's Lamborghini LP 670 SV, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Next is the newest Jon's notes on his Blog at

LP 670-Never surrender, never give up!!!

Wednesday - 10.00 We realize the Rebellion will not make it. (life is over!!!)

Wednesday – 11.30 I call Tokan and tell him, "If we dont have the Rebellion, we have to get the 670!" (that was traded in for the Aventador, but that is a much later problem, all in right now, problems later! haha)

Wednesday - 20.30 Trailer leaves Sthlm to pick up 670 in Åre to save miles.

Thursday – 13.00 Trailer and 670 arrives to Sthlm.

Thursday - 13.30 670 is wrapped in red by Tokan (4h to wrap a lambo ???  world record?)

Thursday – 19.00 670 drives from sthlm. (no time to put on trailer to save miles, f**k )

Friday – 13.00 Team Olsson/Miller/Haugen meets Tokan and 670 south of Paris. (Tokan drove 2000 over night after wrapping 670)

Friday – 15.00 Team is complete and leaves Paris (7 h after start) (after sticker up the 670 on a rainy windy gas station in over speed pace!  )

Friday – 21.50 Team arrives in Barca after very active driving!  (The Dudesons even liked our pace on overtaking them…

Friday - 00.00 David Guetta in Barca

Saturday – 10.00 Alive and so happy to have the cars here!  Not the Rebellion but the 670 sure does the job pretty well! So happy to have such a decent  back up plan!

Departure for Monaco at 13.00, Grand prix here we come! 

Saturday, May 28th, 2011

PS. Gumball is not about making you life easy, its about going all in and not thinking about tomorrow, good thing that is kind of my speciality! (Bode does add a lot of intensity though. That man is amazingly insane!  )

All in right now, deal with problems later"!

Hello Tokan! Gumball 3000, 27 of May 2011, gas station south of Paris, Jon Olsson's Lamborghini LP 670 SV, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Super fast Gumball wrapping of the LP 670! Tokan, going on his 32nd hour of the day!  (with 1000km in the 670 to go!) (after not sleeping for a month during the Rebellion build, do I need to say that he was the hero of the day, week and year??? THANK YOU TOKAN! Gumball 3000, 27 of May 2011, gas station south of Paris, Jon Olsson's Lamborghini LP 670 SV, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Ready for Race! Gumball 3000, 27 of May 2011, gas station south of Paris, Jon Olsson's Lamborghini LP 670 SV, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Go go go! Jon Olsson in his Lambo, Gumball 3000, 27 of May 2011, gas station south of Paris, Jon Olsson's Lamborghini LP 670 SV, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Go Bode! Bode kicking in the driver's seat, Gumball 3000, 27 of May 2011, somwere in France, Jon Olsson's Nissan GT-R, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Ski box testing, Gumball 3000, 27 of May 2011, somwere in France, Jon Olsson's Nissan GT-R, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Refuelling #3, Gumball 3000, 27 of May 2011, somwere in France, Jon Olsson's Nissan GT-R and Lamborghini LP 670 SV, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Flamethrower, Gumball 3000, 27 of May 2011, somwere in France, Jon Olsson's Lamborghini LP 670 SV, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Police?! We mae it though after being given the thumbs up! Gumball 3000, 27 of May 2011, somwere in France, Jon Olsson's Lamborghini LP 670 SV, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Sunny and nice! Refuelling #4, Gumball 3000, 27 of May 2011, somwere in France, Jon Olsson's Nissan GT-R, photo © Oskar Bakke for

LP670, ONE-77 and SCUDERIA. A One 77??? That car is insane, had such a sweet crew driving into Barca! Gumball 3000, 27 of May 2011, somwere in Spain, Jon Olsson's Lamborghini LP 670 SV, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Arrived late, but still a few thousand people waiting! Tons of people around the SV, Gumball 3000, 27 of May 2011, Barcelona, Jon Olsson's Lamborghini LP 670 SV, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Happy campers, full speed, no tickets! :) Gumball 3000, 27 of May 2011, Barcelona, photo © Oskar Bakke for


Gumball3000 - Paris to Barcelona by Betsafe

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