SKI.BG > ÑÊÈ â Áúëãàðèÿ -

. bg ski news : Jon Olsson: What a day! Gumball 3000 day 6 - Tricky traps! - 01 Þíè 2011 - 10:40

OTO -- What a day! I think today was the most eventful day of the rally so far for us!

It all started with a sweet boat ride in Venice, then we jumped in the cars and started crushing it towards Belgrade. After a few hours we hit stretch of great roads and speeds where maybe a little over the limits… Just as we where loving it these two race bikes pulled up and started driving circles around us, as a sports car owner we had gas back a little so after a while when they came up next to us and indicated that they wanted an acceleration test we gladly excepted!   We ended up being pretty equal and smiles where all the way to our ears! That changed in 2 sec when the two bikes hit their blue lights just as we all passed 230! They where cops fooling us into their trap!

Luckily they loved Gumball so after 4 h at the police station we could leave, but only if we promised to red line the cars out of the there… 

What was even better was that they ended up giving us a escort in free speed for 20 min… Only at Gumball!

Time to party in Belgrade!

A demain!
Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

Busted by undercover cops! Gumball 3000, 31 of May 2011, somewere in Croatia, Jon Olsson's Lamborghini LP 670 SV and Nissan GT-R, photo © Oskar Bakke for

POLICIJA! Gumball 3000, 31 of May 2011, somewere in Croatia, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Croatian police loves Gumball! Gumball 3000, 31 of May 2011, somewere in Croatia, Jon Olsson's Lamborghini LP 670 SV, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Escorts! Gumball 3000, 31 of May 2011, somewere in Croatia, Jon Olsson's Nissan GT-R, photo © Oskar Bakke for

We broke the ski box record! Gumball 3000, 31 of May 2011, somewere in Croatia, Jon Olsson's Nissan GT-R, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Bode Miller with Aston Martin ONE-77. Gumball 3000, 31 of May 2011, Belgrade, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Super veloce! Gumball 3000, 31 of May 2011, somewere in Serbia, Jon Olsson's Lamborghini LP 670 SV, photo © Oskar Bakke for

Arrival in Belgrade. Gumball 3000, 31 of May 2011, Belgrade, Jon Olsson's Lamborghini LP 670 SV, photo © Oskar Bakke for

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