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. world ski news : World first crowdfunded snowboard documentary SLEEPING GIANTS by Blickinsfreie - 21 Þíè 2011 - 19:18

ENTERTAINMENT. Blickinsfreie just announced the release of the teaser of their new snowboard documentary "SLEEPING GIANTS", focusing on the passion driven Chinese shredders and the key role of the Nanshan Open snowboard competition which has driven the young Chinese scene to become one of the most progressive out there.


Besides Chinese top stars like Wang Lei or He Wei, legends as Travis Parker or Risto Mattila are joining shooting stars Nils Arvidsson, Marc Swoboda or Werni Stock to give a deep insight into the snowboard culture of the Far East.

Watch the teaser at

„Sleeping Giants“ - Worlds first crowdfunded snowboard documentary

Have you ever heard about crowdfunding? No!? Well, „Sleeping Giants“ is worlds first snowboard movie which is partly realized by its own fans, you! The teaser is finished but there is still a lack of budget for the post-production to fill. Fans can choose various kinds of support and get interesting rewards for their donation. So don´t wait, support the project for example with 5 Euro and get the movie as high definition download delivered as christmas present earlier as regular non-backers will be able to watch it.

SLEEPING GIANTS photo by steve zdarsky

It happened more or less on accident when filmmaker René Eckert ( decided to create a new snowboard documentary in 2011. With the unique chance to visit China, Eckert decided to use that opportunity to realize Blickinsfreie´s new masterstroke. The movie is presented by our long term partner Ripzone Europe (

After movies like "From Romania with Love“ or last year's highlight "At Equilibrium“ the new movie deals with the development of snowboarding in China. The documentary focuses on the passion-driven Chinese shredders and the key role of the Nanshan Open snowboard competition which has driven the young Chinese scene to become one of the most progressive out there.

Besides Chinese stars including Wang Lei and He Wei, legends such as Travis Parker and Risto Mattila join shooting stars Nils Arvidsson, Marc Swoboda and Werni Stock to give a deep insight into the snowboard culture of the Far East.


Like in the last years, the movie will be premiered during a world – wide premiere tour kicking off in October 2011 in Beijing (China) followed by the release of the movie as High Definition download around Christmas 2011.

Those ones of you that always wanted to know how subcultures like snowboarding develop in a world where Facebook or Myspace is banned, should make sure to visit one of the premiere stops or get ready for the movie as HIGH DEFINITION DOWNLOAD at Christmas 2011.

Blickinsfreie is asking fans to actively support the post-production of „Sleeping Giants“. Since this movie project got just partly funded by sponsoring, Blickinsfreie is aiming to fund the lack of budget in post-production by innovative crowdfunding. People that appreciate this project have the opportunity to support the post-production through the different donation options on the left hand side of this website. Unique rewards like HIGH DEFINITION DOWNLOADS to HIGH RESOLUTION PHOTO SERIES or ORIGINAL MOVIE POSTERS are waiting to be given to the backers.

„Sleeping Giants“ fans on Facebook will be rewarded with free access to one of our movies.


People that appreciate this project have the opportunity to support the post-production by CROWDFUNDING. Unique rewards like HIGH DEFINITION DOWNLOADS to ASSOCIATE PRODUCER STATUS or YOUR LOGO IN THE MOVIE are waiting to be given to the backers.

Don´t wait and get your High Definition Download booked as Christmas present already now!

To become a FACEBOOK FAN of "SLEEPING GIANTS" and get one of our documentaries as WELCOME PRESENT click:

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