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. world ski news : Countdown on for Innsbruck 2012 - 08 Ñåïòåìâðè 2011 - 11:12

WINTER YOUTH OLYMPICS. The IOC Coordination Commission for the 1st Winter Youth Olympic Games in Innsbruck in 2012 has concluded its fourth and final visit to the Austrian host city. The Coordination Commission visit took place after three successful days of Chefs de Mission meetings with all 65 nations that will compete in Innsbruck.

With 128 days to go until the Opening Ceremony, Innsbruck 2012 remains on track as it enters the operational readiness phase in its planning. Chaired by FIS President Gian Franco Kasper, the IOC Coordination Commission was particularly impressed with the progress of the Youth Olympic Village (YOV). The YOV will accommodate approximately 1,660 athletes and officials during Games time, and, as a legacy of the Youth Olympic Games, will be used as affordable housing once the Games have concluded.

"The Innsbruck Organizing Committee heads into the final few months of preparation with an extremely organized and creative team who are working tirelessly to ensure an unforgettable elite sporting event for the world's best young winter athletes," said President Kasper. "This unique host city has a rich Olympic history, and today we can feel the excitement building as it makes history again with the 1st Winter Youth Olympic Games."

The IOC has supported the move to have all Snowboard and Freestyle Skiing events at the Kühtai venue. Based at over 2,000 meters and with excellent snowmaking facilities that practically guarantee snow conditions, the venue, thanks to the new facilities, is expected to become one of the best winter freestyle sport and training centers in Europe. This adds to the legacy of the recently completed Biathlon shooting range at the Seefeld venue.

At Innsbruck 2012, several new disciplines will be seen for the first time at an Olympic event, such as Snowboard slopestyle, Freestyle Ski halfpipe and Ice Hockey skills challenge. Also integrated into the sports program for the first time is ladies' Ski Jumping, the winner of which will be awarded the first Winter Youth Olympic Games medal.

For more information, visit

Contributed by IOC
FIS news

The volunteer registration phase is over

The registration for volunteers was closed on 30 June 2011, but what Innsbruck 2012 Volunteer Community can do is to put you on the waiting list. Send an email to telling a bit about yourself and Volunteer Community will keep you informed!


“I applied to be a Volunteer for the YOG 2012 in January. Back then, I wasn’t really aware of the sheer scale of this event, which will be staged in Innsbruck. Now, I’m in close contact with the members of the YOG 2012 team and each day that goes by I am even more excited about the event. The international spirit surrounding the Olympic Games, the lively atmosphere that will fill the streets and of course the sporting events, and the people we will meet - all this is sure to make the YOG 2012 a unique and exciting experience. What is more, of all places, my city Innsbruck will be the first city in history to host Winter Games for the youth, and will therefore be a true pioneer. I am sure that, with my motivation and my talents, I will be able to make my contribution to making the YOG 2012 great experience for the participants as well as for myself. Above all, I am looking forward to the many new impressions and the feeling of being able to do my bit.

To me, supporting such an event as a Volunteer does not only mean that I will be right in the middle of things, but also that I will be able to influence the running of the event and use my skills and interests to help other people.

To me, volunteering does not only mean to voluntarily invest my time and work, but also to grow through this work, learn new things about myself and look at things from different perspectives.

The YOG 2012 will, in all respects, be a great experience for me and I am really looking forward to the Games and want to work there with full commitment.

Ines, 21, Innsbruck

„After being an observer at the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games, I fell in love with the Olympic and Paralympic Movement. I was so impressed by the spirit of these Games, particularly through the contagious excitement, commitment, and pride that the Volunteers exuded. Since then, I have attended the 2010 Vancouver Paralympic Games and was finally able to serve as a Volunteer at the 2010 Singapore Summer Youth Olympic Games! In Singapore, I worked as an NOC Assistant to the delegation of Benin and it proved to be a wonderful and rewarding experience.

I met some truly interesting and amazing people and I had a great time learning, not only about the intricacies and organization of such an international event, but also about myself and my values.

There are both selfish and selfless reasons for why I applied to volunteer at the Innsbruck 2012 Winter Youth Olympic Games. Selfishly, I hope that these Games will be an extension of my educational journey with the Olympic Movement; I want to continue discovering the fascinating world of sports, as well as learning about other cultures and athletes. Selflessly, I want to take part in helping these young athletes realize their greatest achievements that stem from all of the hard work and dedication to their sport.

After visiting Innsbruck after a few weeks ago and seeing the excitement and passion of those on the Organizing Committee, I am confident that these Games will be a huge success and I can’t wait to return in January. I was also told that many Volunteers that served in Singapore applied to serve in Innsbruck as well, so it will even be a little reunion for us all! See you in the New Year!

Agnes, 21, Maryland, USA

Innsbruck 2012 Winter Youth Olympic Games
Newsletter, Issue 08/2011

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