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. world ski news : Alpine athletes` specific demands of FIS - 10 Îêòîìâðè 2011 - 16:18

ALPINE SKI. In the ongoing process of improving safety in alpine ski racing, FIS and ski racing representatives have often publicly admitted that there were many breakdowns in communication with the athletes, during the discussion of possible solutions.

In the spring of 2011, the athletes had already proposed detailed suggestions aimed at minimizing risks. So far, they have not been taken into account when drafting the 2011/12 Rules. The athletes would like to use the final meeting of the FIS Alpine Executive Board before the start of the season, as an occasion to remind the board of their demands.

The most important improvements that the racers are aiming for:

• Alterations in piste preparation, with the objective of more safety
• Adaptation of course setting to the modern developments in equipment and technique
• The race suits should provide better safety and should therefore be regulated in such a way as to reduce speeds. Cut-resistant underclothing should be made compulsory.

The athletes regard the FIS approach of changing ski design once again, and ignoring the athletes’ basic suggestions, as neither economical nor logical. The implementation of the athletes’ proposals could have been achievable for the 2011/12 season. FIS has embarked upon a path which has been problematic in the past and will be impractical in the future; renewed alterations to the geometric characteristics of ski equipment.

According to a FIS announcement to the athletes, GS skis are due to have only a few easily measurable parameters altered, without taking into account the overall properties of the ski. Further study of this announcement reveals that an increase in the sidecut radius to 40m will mean that significantly lower forces are exerted on the racer than is the case with the 27m radius skis currently in use. It is incomprehensible how the compromise on a 35m radius was reached, when this compromise does not represent any change in the research criteria, in comparison to the current equipment.

The feedback from top athletes, who have tested prototypes with the 35m radius, indicates that the on snow behavior of these skis is extremely problematic. The loads that are exerted on the knee joints have been dramatically increased, rather than reduced as intended.

Moreover, the equipment alteration process has become the centerpiece of the discussion, causing the opportunity to take safety-improving decisions for the 2011/12 season to be missed. With regard to dynamic skiing on contemporary equipment, changes along the lines of the athletes’ proposals would be more effective, and above all more simply and rapidly achievable.

In future the athletes ask to be involved in the evolution of competitive skiing in an active and constructive manner. As they are not only affected by, but also experts in, the safety and popularity of ski racing, they would like to be given the appropriate authority to influence the sport’s structure. They undertake to exert that authority in a realistic and responsible manner.

Kilian Albrecht
Chairman, FIS Athletes’ Committee
October 9, 2011

Athletes Protest

Nearly 200 leading active FIS Ski Worldcup skiers from 16 countries like Maria Höfl-Riesch, Julia Mancuso, Tina Maze, Elisabeth Görgl, Anja Pärson, Lara Gut or Ted Ligety, Didier Cuche, Bode Miller, Ivica Kostelic, Christof Innerhofer and many others signed a letter on behalf of the Athlete’s Commission to protest against new FIS equipment regulations.

Athletes complain to be ignored in the solution process on changements of regulations that will affect them massively. They absolutely do not support the new regulations for GS for several reasons! The athletes also offer a few easy-to-deploy, alternative suggestions to solve safety problems in Worldcup skiing.

Lists of Signing Athletes - 194 (Last update: Sept. 5th, 2011)
Participation density MEN: 10 out of the leading 10 athletes of the Worldcup standing list in Slalom and GS, 25 of 30 and 41 of 50
Participation density WOMEN: 32 out of the leading 40 athletes of the Worldcup standing list in Slalom and GS

Find more at Skiers' Pro - Ski Athletes Network

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