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. world ski news : Gisin vs. Deer - 17 Ноември 2011 - 18:18
Marc Gisin almost collided with a deer

ALPINE SKI. Fortunately for the Swiss skier Marc Gisin: When training for the giant slalom at the Canadian Nakiska he almost collided with a deer. He stopped his training run, but after that he released a video of the incident on his Facebook page and asked the user provocative: "Who would have drawn the short straw?".

They are excited about the video. "Classic, keep it... deer stew," writes one fan thought at all (probably not too serious) competition behind the near-collision and writes: :"Das war der Marcel Hirsch(er)" - "This was the Marcel The Deer" (but also Marcel Hirscher is an Austrian ski competitor from the World Cup :) ...

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