SKI.BG > ÑÊÈ â Áúëãàðèÿ -

. world ski news : World Champion is ready for Telluride - interview with Alex Pullin (AUS) - 09 Äåêåìâðè 2011 - 02:48

SNOWBOARD. In only eight days, it's time for the season's first sbx qualifiers with the finals taking place on Dec 16. According to this, it's easy to imagine that Alex Pullin is keen to race again.

The 24 years old Aussie is currently in B.C., Canada, for the last training sessions in order to repeat a great season which the 2011 World Champion wrapped up by winning the Crystal Globe in the very last race of last winter.

Although he is pretty busy to get in shape for the season's first snowboard cross in Telluride, CO, where he placed third last winter, Chumpy took some time for a quick interview for

Chumpy, you have been so successful last season. Have you had the time to recap it and fully understand what happened?

Alex Pullin: The previous season was a great one for me. Coming into it, I felt 100% ready and I knew exactly what I wanted to achieve. I enjoyed all the races a lot, even the ones I didn’t hit the results I was aiming for. At the end of the tour, I felt rewarded for a lot of years riding hard to get to that place.

It was great to share those results with my coach Ben Wordsworth, my Aussie team mates, close friends and of course my parents who have always supported me so much. It feels real, because it didn’t happen overnight.

Did the fact that you won the Globe and the Worlds change your life?

Results like those are a milestone in my career and will be with me forever. So yes, they did change my life. Major victories like those have also helped me to improve on so many levels and I feel stronger for this up and coming tour.

I’m looking forward to pushing myself on the tour this season, starting with the first run of qualifying in Telluride.

Did you benefit from it?

I benefited from last season in many ways. But most importantly I feel I maximized those benefits with a lot of work after the season. Boardercross is my life, my career and with those results along with my passion for what I do, I feel it’s been a hugely successful year for me and my team.

With the first race of the world tour just around the corner, for now that is what I’m focused on.

Do you think, a season like this (plus a photo finish like last year) can be repeated?

I hope so. Boardercross is progressing every season. I can remember every heat of last season, with almost a perfect visual of what I did right and wrong in every run. There is always room for improvement and I see that in my own technique and racing skills. I feel I become a stronger racer with each event I compete in, no matter the result.

It was an awesome finish to last season’s tour. With tight racing and full commitment in every single heat. As all the riders work to their goals, I’m sure we will see tighter battles for the World Title each season. I look forward to it, it keeps it so exciting through to the last run of the last World Cup!

What are you doing to be on top of the ranking again?

Everything. Myself and Ben (Wordsworth) have come off another great southern winter in Australia and New Zealand. We are currently in BC Canada, training before the first World Cup in Telluride, CO. I feel 100% confident in my equipment, team and of course my riding. I’m hungry to race.

What have you been doing over summer time to keep in shape and focused on your sportive goals?

Snowboarding, surfing and training everyday. I feel great and can’t wait to rip out of the World Cup start gates again.

Have your goals changed?

In a sense, there has to be a re-adjustment. For me though, the motive is always the same. To be the fastest guy to the bottom every run.

What do you expect from the Telluride World Cup? Will you podium again?

It sounds like they just scored some good snowfall down there. I’m sure Jeff (Ihaksi) and his team will do a great job of building the course, like they do every year.

I also really like the 6 man heats and it should be a good venue for this format. As for me, I don’t expect results to achieve them. I’m always hungry for wins and it will be great to be racing again. I can’t wait.

Whom should everyone have to look out for this season?


Any shout outs?

To my Coach Benny and Tech Viktor, looking forward to another fun season of racing! To my family, thank you for everything. To my new team mate Cam, looking forward to seeing you charge this year mate.
Tuesday 6 December 2011

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