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. world ski news : Officially confirmed: Tom Hilde broke vertebrae - 31 Декември 2011 - 12:36

SKI JUMPING. On Saturday the team captain of the Norwegians, Clas Brede Brathen, informed the press in Garmisch-Partenkirchen about the fall of Tom Hilde in the final round in Oberstdorf. Brathen confirmed that the 24-year-old broke his eighth vertebrae.

"There will be further medical examinations today. It seems as if Tom won't have to stay in the hospital after that. So he can eventually be released today. Then we will see what we can do for Tom", Brathen said at the press conference.

He also doesn't have more information, said the 43-year-old who also didn't want to speculate whether the season is now over for Hilde or not. "I'm not a doctor. We have to wait for the next diagnosis", he told.

A present for Tom: A good performance on TV

"It was a tough day for us Norwegians in Oberstdorf, the worst was of course the fall of Tom. But we still have six athletes in the Tournament, Anders is fighting for the victory. Everything starts over new here in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Te best present that we can give Tom is to show a good performance that he can enjoy watching on TV. We will continue to fight, that's part of the game. Tom is one of the strongest fighters we have and he will be back again as soon as possible. The guys will give their best for him."

The team captain also spoke about what caused the fall. "Tom gave everything, he has a lot of fighting spirit. The reason for the fall was probably a mix of too much risk and the conditions. But still, Tom did everything right when he fell and he should also think about that. He reacted in the right way and he can also get self-confidence out of this."
31.12.2011 11:57

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