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. bg snowboard news : Alexandra Jekova and Stian Sivertzen with best times at time trials for 2nd SBX in Valmalenco - 15 Март 2012 - 16:44

SBX (SKI.BG) -- Чаровната звезда на българския сноуборд Александра Жекова постигна първо време в днешната квалификация за последния за този сезон бордеркрос, който ще се проведе утре, 16-ти март 2012 г., в рамките на финалите на Световната купа по сноуборд в италианския зимен курорт Валмаленко.

При първия си опит по трасето днес Жекова даде втори резултат, като пред нея застана единствено лидерката в общото класиране за дисциплината Доминик Малте от Канада. При второто си спускане обаче Алекс спря хронометъра на 1:04.14 мин., което се оказа най-доброто време в квалификацията. Малте е втора, а победителката във вчерашния бордеркрос Маел Рикер остана трета.

Така в първата четвъртфинална серия Жекова ще се срещне с канадката Чарли Бренеман, японката Юка Фуджимори, швейцарката Елими Аубри, американката Файе Гулини и чехкинята Клара Кукалова.

Пожелаваме на Сани летящ старт в утрешното състезание във Валмаленко и ще стискаме палци за нов подиум, а защо не и златен!

15 март 2012 г.

Alexandra Jekova and Stian Sivertzen with best times

Just like two days ago, also the time trials for boarder cross #2 in Valmalenco were held in sunny conditions. Due to windless conditions, the qualifiers for the last race of the season went pretty smooth.
Best times were posted by Alexandra Jekova (BUL, 1:04.14) on the women's side and on the men's sdie from yesterday's well-deserved winner Stian Sivertzen (NOR, 58.74), who beat up-and-coming talent from down under Jarryd Hughes (58.80) by only 6 hundredths.
While the top two men were divided by just a tiny bit, women's runner-up Dominique Maltais (CAN, 1:04.55) was already some .41 seconds behind.
However, the current World Cup leader underlined that she doesn't want to give away her career's third Crystal Globe by edging off her team mate and only pursuer for the title, Olympic Champion Maelle Ricker (CAN), to the third qualifier rank.
In addition, the 31-years-old firefighter was also pretty confident of being ahead of her rival for the Globe in tomorrow's finals, which are scheduled for 11 AM (CET).
“I knew it would be a hard game to win the title this year, but I was riding really well the whole season. Now I just have to focus on myself and try to avoid any mistakes. I guess the only girl who can beat me it's myself,” stated Maltais.
While today's qualifiers delivered a first foretaste of what to come tomorrow in the K.o. rounds, there are some riders missing the final boarder cross show due to injury.
After newly minted World Cup title winner Pierre Vaultier's season came to an unexpected end in yesterday's semis, reigning World Champion Alex Pullin (AUS), the athlete who had one 5 out of 7 qualifiers this season, crashed after a mistake on a take off and suffered a concussion.
However, the 24-years-old from down under still had some blessings in disguise compared to Robin Granqvist (SWE).
The 23-years-old lost control on the last jump of the kicker line, landed hard on his hip and back and had to be transported to the hospital in Sondrio with a helicopter after doctors gave some first medical treatment on the course.
Thursday 15 March 2012

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