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. world ski news : The 2013 Winter Universiade will be in Trentino - 03 Април 2012 - 20:03

It is official: the XXVI edition of the Winter Universiade will be hosted by Trentino. The announcement came late this morning from the International University Sports Federation delegates during a press conference that took place at the seat of the Autonomous Province of Trento.

Trentino, University of Trento and CUSI (Italian University Sports Centre) have been given the privilege to host the winter world university games after the recent removal of the rights from Maribor, due to economical and logistic reasons.

The agreement has been signed today for the International University Sports Federation by its president, Claude-Louis Gallien, and its Secretary General Eric Saintrond, in the presence of the members of the local government of the Autonomous Province of Trento – the councillors Marta Dalmaso and Tiziano Mellarini –, of the vice president of the CUSI, Artemio Carra, and of the University of Trento delegate for the development of sport activities, Paolo Bouquet. Aware of the responsibilities, but also proud of this acknowledgment, they all have highlighted the financial and commercial impact of such an international event on the territory, but also the positive effect expected in terms of world-wide visibility of Trentino.
Around three thousands university athletes will be in Trentino from the 11th to the 21st December 2013 to take part in the competitions. The 2013 Winter Universiade will benefit from FISU strategic support and experience in logistic management and media coverage. A relevant agreement has been already signed by FISU with the television station Eurosport, with a special focus on the communication to young people.

Trentino OC
Tuesday, 03 April 2012

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