SKI.BG > SKI in Bulgaria -

. áîðä ñïîðò : Freestyle Junior World title battle continues - 05 July 2013 - 14:48

KITEBOARDING. The tramontane was forecasted to be strong in the morning, but at the 9am skippers meeting all the riders were ready, but the wind was not there.  The wind was slow building all afternoon and the riders had to wait until 4pm before the first heat went on the water.  One heat of boys 15-16 ran, and one girl’s heat of age 8-13, before deciding to try to finish the boys 8-14.  Unfortunately we got to the final and could not run it because of the dying wind.

In the morning since the wind never picked up, a clinic was prepared to teach the young competitors the judging criteria’s of the PKRA.  The head judge Sami Gali explained the rules of the PKRA, then the riders watched videos of the  pros and scores were given to  the tricks to teach riders how the scoring works.  Then the judges Antoine, Alex an Ian gave their scores and feedback on the tricks shown in the video.

The first heat of the day was between Bridge.T and Fabini, Bridge landed a full repertoire of tricks nad easily won his heat.  The second heat of the day was the first semi-final between Mur Peris and Bridge.G, bridge land a 313, Slim and S-1 to advance over Mur Peris’s BJ.  The next semi-final was teh heat of the day between Racca and Bridge.T, the heat was excellent with both riders landing 313, BJ, Slim, 315, B-mobe and more.  Bridge won in teh dying minutes with a 720 back mobe and advanced to the final.

the boys 15-16 category the level went up a notch with Tarin and Zurik putting a lot of power in there tricks.  Zurik won in the light winds. Up next the young girls Chen and Heras baittled for the win, the Chinese edged out Heras in the dying minutes with a clean back role. The mens battle for 3rd place was between Racca and Mur Peris, Racca’s technical skills were to young for the young Spaniard and Racca finished 3rd on the podium.  The wind backed off and the race director called off the comp for the day.

The wind was light for most of the day but a few heats were run to get us closer to the finals.  A key clinic was done to teach the riders about the scoring system and how to get maximum points during a heat.  The next few days the thermal wind should be stronger and some world champions will be crowned.  Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Twitter and go to the PKRA website for the latest news.

Fri, July 5, 2013 1:25 am

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