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. борд спорт : Водни ски и уейкборд на Световните игри в Колумбия - 30 July 2013 - 19:29

ВОДНИ СКИ, УЕЙКБОРД. Когато повече от един милион жители на град Кали в Колумбия приветстваха по време на откриването спортистите от 101 страни, които се готвеха да участват в Световните игри 2013, беше ясно, че това ще бъде едно много специално изживяване за всички участници. Колумбииският министър на спорта Андрес Ботеро Филипсбурн, бивш национален шампион по водни ски, също може да въздъхне с облекчение, след като видя такава огромна подкрепа за 4500-те участващи състезатели.

В спортовете водни ски и уекборд атлети от 31 държави членки на International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation (IWWF) се състезаваха в дисциплините слалом, трикове, скокове и уейкборд. След финалите вчера бяха връчени общо 8 златни медала, като представителите на САЩ взеха 3 от тях, а по един имаше за Беларус, Китай, Франция, Великобритания и Италия.

Следват още подробности от IWWF на английски език >>

The magnificent Country Club atmosphere at the Waterski and Wakeboard site provided ideal conditions with 28C throughout. Overall, World Record Holders and World Champions again rose to the top in these games but there were some real surprises along the way also.

In Wakeboard, Andrew Adkison USA, a World Cup star and past IWWF World Champion, took the Gold Medal. In the Women’s event, China’s Han Qui, not well known on the international circuit, surprised all with her magnificent performance to take her World Games title. The enormous growth of Wakeboard in Asia generally is now producing some very strong competitors and Han Qui’s Gold Medal reflects this development well.
In Waterski, Slalom was dominated by two very experienced athletes. World Record Holder Regina Jaquess USA was exceptional once again and added this World Games Gold Medal to her extensive collection of victories to date. In the Mens’s event, two-time World Slalom Champion Thomas Degsperi ITA again rose to the occasion in spite of severe competition on the day.

In Tricks it was a similar pattern. Both current World Record Holders took the Gold Medals in style. Clementine Lucine FRA and Aliaksei Zharnasek BLR have had extraordinary careers to date and will next focus on the World Waterski Championships in Santiago, Chile in November to continue their winning achievements.

In Jump, while water conditions were challenging, Regina Jaquess, having already taken the Gold Medal in Slalom, did the almost impossible by now adding the World Games Jump Gold Medal to her collection. As she already holds the World Slalom Record, dominating Jump on this occasion confirms that her busy career as a Pharmacist has not detracted in any way from her outstanding athletic achievements. In the Men’s event, it was a cliff-hanger right to the end with the lead score shifting from athlete to athlete. Damien Sharman GBR has become a very consistent Podium achiever over the years but now he is also a regular Gold Medal earner. This World Games Gold Medal achievement is one he will favor for many years to come.
 Next to the Olympic Games, the World Games provides athletes with that same extraordinary experience of sharing the spectacular stage with so many other top athletes from around the World. On this occasion, Colombia and the City of Cali provided a superb experience which our Waterski and Wakeboard athletes will remember for the rest of their lives.

Des Burke-Kennedy
30 July, 2013


 1. Andrew Adkison USA
 2. Toshiki Yasui JPN
 3. David O’Caoimh IRL
 1. Han Qui - CHN
 2. Charlotte Briant - GBR
 3. Larisa Aminta Gonzalez Morales - MEX

 1. Thomas Degasperi - ITA
 2. Aaron Larkin - NZL
 3. Karl Johan Efverstrom - SWE
 1. Regina Jaquess - USA
 2. Whitney McClintock - CAN
 3. Calire-Lise Welter - FRA

 1. Aliaksei Zharnasek - BLR
 2. Nicolas Benatti - ITA
 3. Jason McClintock - CAN
 1. Clementine Lucine - FRA
 2. Erika Lang - USA
 3. Michale Briant - AUS

 1. Damien Sharman - GBR
 2. Rodrigo Miranda - CHI
 3. Igor Morozov – RUS
 1. Regina Jaquess - USA
 2. Marie Vympranietsova - GRE
 3. Whitney McClintock - CAN


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