SKI.BG > SKI in Bulgaria -

. bg snowboard news : Sofia Hosts Big Air Snowboard World Cup - 28 November 2007 - 17:52
28.11.2007, Official pressconference

One of the most attractive for the winter season and first by its kind event for Bulgaria is the NOKIA Snowboard World Cup - "Big Air Sofia 2007". The competition will take place in Bulgaria's capital, "Kniaz Aleksander I Batenberg" square on December 22, 2007.

Kniaz Aleksander I Batenberg Sq., view from W to E (pictured on November 28, 2007)

Kniaz Aleksander I Batenberg Sq., view from E to W (pictured on November 28, 2007)

Special loading platform with impressive sizes will be constructed for the purpose. The platform will be 31 m high, 100 m long, 25 m wide.

Its building and snow covering will take 10 days - from December 10 - till 21st. The dismantlement should be finished until December 27.

Round 300 tons of snow (600 cubic meters) is foreseen for the platform.

Bulgarian snowboard star Alexandra Jekova and National Head Coach Mr. Viktor Jekov during Big Air Sofia 2007 official pressconference

Sixty competitors from 15 countries applied for participation in the championship. Bulgaria will be presented by Mario Benio, Dimitar Chokoev and Asen Lilov.

World famous snowboard stars like Janne KORPI (Finland), Peetu PIIROINEN (Finland), Stefan GIMPL (Austria), Risto MATTILA (Finland), Christophe REYNDERS (Belgium), Martin CERNIK (Chech Rep.), Christian HALLER (Swiss), Matevz PETEK (Slovenia) and others will join the snow event in the heart of Bulgaria's capital.

Big Air Sofia 2007 official pressconference

Mr. Tzeko Minev, president of Bulgarian Ski Federation and Mr. Georgi Bobev, vice-president of Bulgarian Ski Federation

Mr. Emil Semov, director of section Snowboard disciplines in Bulgarian Ski Federation and Mr. Konstantin Minchev, co-ordinator of section Snowboard disciplines in Bulgarian Ski Federation

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