SKI.BG > SKI in Bulgaria -

. : Ispo BrandNew Awards 2010 - Still enough time to apply - 29 September 2009 - 13:53

Just under tree weeks are now left for applying for the BrandNew Awards. If you run a young business with an innovative product and idea behind it, BrandNew is your chance to shine and show your potential without being in the shadow of the big brands. If you apply now, all the help and support you need in order to be successful is provided. The whole application process is described on the BrandNew website, where it can also be completed.

Click here to apply >>

ispo social awareness award

The target for ispo BrandNew is not only to find new and innovative sports products, but also to highlight the importance of social commitment in sports through announcing the ispo Social Awareness Award. In wikando, we found a new partner to find and encourage more projects like Skateistan, the winner of 2009, an Afghan skateschool that encourages the local youth to interact and be active at the same time. If you run a social project, apply now.

More about the ispo Social Awareness Award >>

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