SKI.BG > SKI in Bulgaria -

. world ski news : Stockholm Big Air - 22 November 2009 - 12:53

On Saturday, November 21st, the third Big Air of the 2010 LG Snowboard FIS World Cup took place in Stockholm. Once again and for the the fourth time in a row, the swedish capital hosted this major FIS event in the Stockholm Stadion which was built for the Olympic Summer Games in 1912.

The experienced snowboarder Stefan Gimpl from Austria won the LG Winter Jam 2009 in Stockholm, Sweden. Over 60 snowboarders from around the world challenged the monster jump. Stefan Gimpl who has won the past two World Cup competitions in London and Barcelona did an awesome "frontside 900" in the third run which made him finish as number one. The crowd was huge and cheered on the world elite in snowboarding when they jumped 25 meters in length and 6 meters above the kicker, meaning 17 meters above the ground. All the riders agreed this was probably the best city jump (a huge jump – the start was 33 meters above the ground) they have ever experienced. Marko Grilc from Slovenia was second with Gjermund Braaten from Norway in the third place.

International riders made the event a highlight of the in-city-contests. Also in 2009, admission to the LG Winterjam was free and the event was shown live on TV. LG Winter Jam 2009 was a big success with over 25.000 thousand visitors and as promised world-class ski and snowboard show, it could’ have been better. The atmosphere was amazing with great music and entertainment from DJ Hakim.

Ski Paradise
Sunday, November 22, 2009

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