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. world ski news : German chancellor Angela Merkel at the GAP 2011 opening ceremony - 08 February 2011 - 08:35

WSCH GAP 2011. German chancellor Angela Merkel attended the opening ceremony as well as the Federal Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maizière, the Bavarian Minister-President Horst Seehofer and the mayor of Munich Christian Ude. The complete opening ceremony was produced on the basis of a one-of-a-kind projection-technology with the largest available video projectors using the landing area of the ski-jump as a gigantic snow-screen.

On February 7th at 6.45 p.m. FIS president Gian Franco Kasper declared the FIS Alpine Ski World Championships open, foto © FIS Alpine Ski-WM 2011

Cutting-edge technology portrayed traditional images. Source of each scene was a small element only visible with a camera, which then grew to a huge size thanks to technical and dramaturgical instruments.

Munich Radio Orchestra accompanies the Opening Ceremony with their music

More then 300 participants offered about 11000 spectators a breathtaking show on the two show stages. The Munich Radio Orchestra accompanied the opening ceremony with live music. Martin Lingnau was the composer of the total original music. The musical highlights were the performances of Christina Stürmer, the Spider Murphy Gang and Adoro. The Austrian ski-star Elisabeth Goergl and Christian Geisler sang the official WM-song "You're the Hero (between Heaven and Hell) for the first time live.

„Rosenkavalier" and „Momo" - important elements of the programme

 The culture is in Garmisch Partenkirchen - the village, in which the composer Richard Strauss lived and where the poet Michael Ende was born - a high value. The „Rosenkavalier" from Strauss played an important role at the opening ceremony. Just as the fairytale figure „Momo" from Michael Ende. The show was translated by the berlin agency „dreinull" in conjunction with battle ROYAL and florafaunavisions. The costume designs were from Ameli Neureuther.

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Tuesday 8 February 2011

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