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. world ski news : Kot surprises at ski jumping Summer Grand Prix qualification in Szczyrk - 19 July 2011 - 21:26

SKI JUMPING. Maciej Kot made the Polish fans happy with his victory at the qualification at the second stop of the Poland-Tour. The 20-year-old jumped on 104.5 m in Szczyrk in southern Poland and won with 132 points ahead of the strong Bulgarian Vladimir Zografski, who has huge potential and is among the best from time to time. Zografski jumped 100.5 m for a total of 125.9 points. Only 18-year-old Polish youngster Bartlomiej Klusek finished third with 125.0 points.

Maciej Kot (POL), foto:

Lukas Hlava, who won this summer's first qualification in Wisla, was fourth and confirmed that he is in a good shape right now. Junshiro Kobayashi achieved a top result for Japan as fifth. Stephan Hocke surprised as sixth. Stefan Hula (7th) and Krzysztof Mietus (8th) completed the great result for the Polish team.

Morgenstern and Schlierenzauer consistent on top

The icing on the cake for Poland was the 103 m jump of the prequalified Kamil Stoch, only Gregor Schlierenzauer showed a longer jump with 103.5 m. Also Tom Hilde from Norway (102 m), Severin Freund (101 m) and Thomas Morgenstern (100.5 m) showed strong performances.

Thomas Morgenstern (AUT), foto:

Schlierenzauer and Morgenstern showed their dominating position once again in training. Both showed consistent jumps. Something that, for example, Pavel Karelin from Russia, second in the competition in Wisla, could not do. He was only 48th and 27th.

But the qualification in Szczyrk showed that things are moving forward in Russia. If Karelin is not one of the best, then they still have Denis Kornilov and Ilja Rosliakov. Both easily qualified as 14th and 18th.

None of the favorites failed to make the cut in the qualification. Only four jumpers will not be able to take part in tomorrow's competition. Pascal Bodmer, who already knows what it feels like to be on the podium in a World Cup, was the last to qualify for the competition on Wednesay at 5:00 pm CET (live on FISskijumping, already the trial round at 4:00 pm).
19.07.2011 19:59

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