SKI.BG > SKI in Bulgaria -

. борд спорт : Четири титли за Полша на Европейското по уиндсърфинг RS:X в Бургас, Йоан Колев 6-ти при младежите - 18 September 2011 - 19:40

УИНДСЪРРФИНГ RS:X. Полските сърфисти спечелиха и четирите титли - при мъжете, жените, юношите и девойките на Европейското първенство по ветроходство - уиндсърфинг за клас RS:X в Бургас. В последния ден гонките за медалите не успяха да променят нищо в челата на класиранията, окупирани от представителите на тази страна, които тренираха в България цели 10 дни преди шампионата.

2011 RS:X European Windsurfing Championships - 18.09.2011 - racing day 6, PHOTOGRAPHY © V.Baglione /

При жените в последното състезание имаше само една интрига – дали лидерката в световната ранглиста Бланка Маншон Домингес (Испания) ще измести от третата позиция французойката Полин Перен. Въпреки че завърши трета, испанката не се нареди сред медалистките. Златото взе София Клепацка от Полша, която завърши 7-ма, но и да беше последна от 10-те участнички в „медал рейса“, никой не можеше да й отнеме титлата. Гонката спечели друга полякиня – Мая Дзярновска, пред Лий ел Корзиц (Израел), която взе среброто. Перен запази бронза.

При мъжете недостижимият шампион Пьотр Мишка показа безкомпромисно кой е №1. Той поведе още от старта, мина първи на всички знаци и финишира триумфално на 100 метра пред единствения си сериозен съперник в Бургас – гърка Байрон Кокаланис, който запази второто си място и в генералното класиране. За бронза обаче се разигра истинска битка между Ибан Перес Лафуенте (Испания) и третият преди гонката за медалите - Шахар Зубари от Израел. Испанецът финишира трети, с което си осигури и медала, а израелецът - едва 8-и и се прости с него.

При юношите очаквано шампион стана Павел Тарновски от Полша, а при девойките, където от 10 сърфистки караха 6 полякини, сънародничката му Камила Смектала.

Специалистите коментираха след този успех, че поляците са готови вече не само за олимпиадата в Лондон през 2012-та, а и за тази в Рио де Жанейро през 2016 г.

За българите първенството беше успешно, въпреки че имаше по-големи очаквания. Големият пробив при мъжете направи 20-годишният Йоан Колев, който завърши 31-ви от 89 участници и 6-и при младежите до 21 г., които бяха 36 на брой в мъжкото състезание. Това е и най-доброто класиране за нашите сърфисти в този пол. Веселин Нанев е 58-и, Стоил Стоилов – 75-ти, Златко Маринов – 78-ми, а Цветомир Тодоров – 83-ти.

При жените отново най-напред се нареди Ирина Константинова - 24-та в Оpen надпреварата и 21-ва в Европа, Пепа Мавродиева пък стана съответно 27-ма и 22-ра.

На световното в Пърт (Австралия), където ще се разпределят олимпийските квоти за Лондон, ще ни представят Йоан Колев, Веселин Нанев, Ирина Константинова и Пепа Мавродиева.

Български сърфисти при юношите и девойките обаче нямаше на това първенство. Явно младите ни ветроходци не са още готови за такова състезание и пропуснаха шанса да покажат какво могат в свои води и като домакини.

Главният ръководител на Европейското – проф. Камен Фильов, който е и председател на Комисията по бордсейлинг и кайтсърфинг към Международната федерация (ISAF), изгледа цялата надпревара в последния ден отблизо, в катер близо до знак №1.

Той даде висока оценка за цялата организация на състезанието, която изнесоха на плещите си хората от клубовете домакини - „Черноморец“, „Сърф клуб Бургас“ и ЯК „Порт Бургас“. Официалното закриване и награждаване на победителите беше в Морската градина на Бургас на сцената на „Октопода“, пред погледите на стотици местни жители и курортисти.
18 септември 2011 | 19:19

2011 RS:X European Windsurfing Championships - 18.09.2011 - racing day 6, PHOTOGRAPHY © V.Baglione /

WINDSURFING RS:X. 16-18 knots. Bright sunshine. A medal race day to show off the sport of windsurfing in its very best light. The RS:X Women went first. Racing on the fin from the start, it was Maja Dziarnowska (POL7) who was the first out of the blocks.

Leading the group out to the right hand side of the course, she was in close company with Lee Korsitz (ISR1111) and Bryony Shaw GBR94) all the way up the first beat. Meanwhile Blanca Manchon (ESP1) and Mayaan Davidovich (ISR10) went hard left. There wasn’t much in it at the first rounding.

The rolling battle went on all the way downwind to the bottom gate and up to the top mark again but it was Maja and Lee who finally stamped their authority on the race on the last downwind.

Maja was in command at speeds up to 18 knots, she punched into the slalom section to take the race by 80 metres. It didn’t change the overall results but Lee’s 2nd secured a 24 point advantage over 3rd placed Pauline Perrin (FRA53). The new RS:X European Champion is Sofia Klepacka (POL8) who cruised through the medal race to finish 7th and win overall by 8 points.

Over in the RS:X Men’s fleet, there were two battles to watch. One for third place and one between Shahar Zubari (ISR11) and Nimrod Mashiah (ISR21). The outcome of the first was inextricably linked to the outcome of the second.

At the start, the 10 were behind the start boat ready to sheet in and hit the line at full speed. Nimrod was paying close attention to his countryman who tacked onto port to head off to the right hand side. Nimrod tacked on top to establish a close cover. They were joined by Richard Stauffacher (SUI31) whilst the rest rode their fins all the way out to the left.

All that is except Ivan Pastor Lafuente (ESP7) who took the middle of the upwind leg determined to give himself every chance with a conservative strategy.

The duel between the two Israelis went on all the way up the first beat. Nimrod had only one aim in view. Drive Shahar down the order and deny him the bronze medal. In this, he was successful. When Shahar finally broke the cover and found fresh breeze he was faced with an impossible task.

Ivan meanwhile was not going to ignore the opportunity that presented itself. He hung on to take the bronze medal with Byron Kokkalanis (GRE8) racing just behind Piotr Myszka (POL82) whose points advantage had already assured him of the Title.

We’ve had a fantastic week’s racing. This venue is perfect for windsurfing. A big thank you to all the volunteers who stepped up to the plate to give the city of Burgas and the Bulgarian Sailing Federation a hand. And a big thank you to BULSAF and all their sponsors...

RS:X class
RS:X 2011 European Championships
Sun, 18 Sep 2011 15:41:30

RS:X Men's Top 10
1 POL 82 Myszka Piotr 17.0
2 GRE 8 Byron Kokkalanis 41.0
3 ESP 7 Ivan Pastor Lafuente 53.0
4 ISR 11 Shahar Zubari 55.0
5 FRA 77 Pierre Le Coq 62.0
6 CYP 1 Andreas Cariolou 68.0
7 SUI 31 Richard Stauffacher 80.0
8 ISR 21 Nimrod Mashiah 81.0
9 FRA 115 Nicolas Le Gal 116.0
10. FRA 19 Louis-Benoit Hug 122.0

RS:X Women's Top 10
1. POL 8 Sofia Klepacka 43.0
2. ISR 1111 Lee-el Korzits 51.0
3. FRA 53 Pauline Perrin 75.0
4. ESP 1 Blanca Manchon Dominguez 82.0
5. GBR 94 Bryony E Shaw 88.0
6. UKR 9 Olga Maslivet 92.0
7. POL 7 Dziarnowska Maja 95.0
8. ITA 11 Laura Linares 100.0
9. POL 20 Brygola Agata 110.0
10. ISR 10 Maayan Davidovich 113


RS:X Youth Europeans: Medal Race Day

Burgas, Bulgaria pulled out all of the stops today to put on the best show in town with a glorious sunny day, clear blue skies and a building 12 knot breeze? Windsurfing heaven!

Its leading actor was Powel Tarnowski (POL 182) who was the man sitting on top of the totem pole for the RS:X Youth Europeans 2011, coming second in the medal race to secure the gold medal from Louis Giard (FRA155). Giard had poured his heart and soul into his performance today, winning the medal race but could simply do nothing to stop Tarnowski from claiming the Youth European title as he followed the Frenchman across the finish line.

These two boys are talents to watch for the future as they have been poles apart from the rest of the fleet with an awesome 45 point lead over the nearest rival in third Kieran Martin (GBR269). Martin managed to do enough with a 5th in the medal race to ensure that he kept his spot on the podium and picks up an impressive bronze medal for his valiant efforts this week. This was made all the more impressive by picking up the U17 title at the same time, a staggering 72 points ahead of his nearest rival.

Second place in the U17 title went to Israeli, Mayan Rafic, who was not in the medal race but with a third in the final fleet race today secured 11th overall.

Over in the girls fleet, Pole Kamila Smektala made the event her own by carving out a fantastic victory in the medal race making it her 8th 1st place finish this week. Smektala now has her sights set on the RS:X Youth Windsurfing Worlds which takes place in Cagliari at the end of October.

Picking up the silver medal was compatriot Agnieszka Bilska who whilst punching home 5 races wins during the week, just wasn?t as consistent with a 11th in race 13 being her big discard. Tune in to the Worlds to see these two excellent sailors carry on their Polish battle.

Rounding out the podium was Laura Kishon from Israel. With a bandaged foot this morning it looked like an injury might scupper her medal chances ? but she turned up the heat when needed and fought through the injury to claim second in the medal race and bronze overall for her efforts. Remember that Kishon is the only other girl to steal a race win from the top two poles this week and this surely deserved her a place on the podium.

Noelle Finch (GBR) was not worried about the U17 title, knowing she owned this as she turned up to rig this morning- she was more concerned about snatching a couple of places from her peers and making sure she went home leaving her older rivals with a thing to think about. She did just that coming in third in the medal race, moving up to fifth overall and sending a signal out that she is here to stay.

Rob Lamb, Class Race Director, commented that the race area this week has been the best that he has ever worked with. Every day, the wind turns up as invited and stays fairly constant for the whole afternoon, champagne sailing.

Lets hope that the Youth Worlds provide the same picture postcard conditions as the sailors will surely be providing the same battles on the water.

RS:X class
RS:X 2011 Youth European Championships
Sun, 18 Sep 2011 15:53:02

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