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. world ski news : Sklett and Hilde make Norwegians happy - 09 December 2011 - 02:47

SKI JUMPING WORLD CUP. The Norwegian team has a new specialist for qualifications. After he won the qualification in Lillehammer, Vegard-Haukoe Sklett was also the best in Harrachov. The 25-year-old won with 126.6 points (128.5 m) on the large hill in the Czech Republic ahead of his teammate Tom Hilde (127.5 m; 125.7 points), who is getting better and better. The third place went to Poland's Stefan Hula (133 m; 121.1 points).

Simon Ammann from Switzerland was also doing really well and finished fourth. A place he seemed very satisfied with. But the he will be the only Swiss in the competition becauce his teammates failed to make the cut. Daiki Ito from Japan came in fifth and showed that his shape is getting better. Jernej Damjan from Slovenia and the best Czech Jakub Janda shared the sixth place.

Serious falls in training

The training was overshadowed by tow falls. Local hero Roman Koudelka fell because his binding broke during the flight. The best of the Czech team, who is world class already since summer, was already preparing for the landing and had no chance to avoid the fall. Koudelka was taken to the hospital for x-ray examination.

The fall of Slovene Dejan Judez was not that serious. He fell at the landing and was treated by his physiotherapist in the hotel. Later he was able to take part in the qualification and showed what he's made of. The 21-year-old jumped on 122.5 m and easily qualified for the competition. He shared the 21st place with the surprisingly strong Estonian Kaarel Nurmsalu.

Schlierenzauer favorite for the victory

Of the pre-qualified athletes especially Gregor Schlierenzauer showed a convincing performance. He showed the longest jump on 137 m. Richard Freitag jumped on 133.5 m in his first appearance in Harrachov. After good training jumps, Thomas Morgenstern landed after only 118 m in the qualification. Overall World Cup leader Andreas Kofler jumped on 114.5 m. In training he did better than that.

Three of four Italians out

Many athletes travelled to Harrachov and so there were 72 participants in the qualification. With Diego Dellasega, Davide Bresadola and Sebastian Colloredo could not make the cut, so the only Italian in Friday's competition will be Andrea Morassi.

Also three of the four French jumpers failed to make the cut, Alexandre Mabboux qualified. Finland's hope Janne Happonen and Norwegian newcomer Johan Martin Brandt will also not be competing on Friday.

Schmitt can jump in the competition

Because Koudelka has to stay in the hospital for 48 hours, Martin Schmitt will get the chance to take part in the competition. The German was 41st in the qualification.
08.12.2011 19:51

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