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. бг алпийски ски новини : Попова и Нушев 25-та и 29-ти на супер-Г в Инсбрук - 14 January 2012 - 15:55

WYOG. В алпийските ски на първите зимни младежки игри в Инсбрук (Австрия) българката Александра Попова финишира 25-та в супергиганския слалом с време 1:11.92 мин. В надпреварата на девойките в Патшеркофел стартираха 45 състезателки, от които завършиха 32. Шампионка стана Естел Алфан от Франция с време 1:05.78 мин., като Попова е с разлика от 6.14 секунди спрямо нея.

При юношите българският алпиец Георги Нушев се класира на 29-то място в супергигантския слалом от 49 завършили, спирайки хронометъра на 1:09.11 мин. Победител изненадващо стана мароканецът Адам Ламхамеди с време 1:04.45 мин., което означава, че Нушев е на 4.66 сек зад него.

фотография БОК

Thrilling Super G sets the tone for Alpine Skiing on day one of competition

INNSBRUCK, Jan 14 - A memorable day and a fast-paced, technical Super G course at Patscherkofel set the tone for Alpine Skiing on Saturday at the Innsbruck 2012 Winter Youth Olympic Games.

The first Gold Medal of the Games went to Estelle ALPHAND (FRA), who won Women's Super G, with the Silver going to Nora Grieg CHRISTENSEN (NOR) and the Bronze claimed by Christina AGER (AUT).

The Women’s course featured big air and fast, technical gate placement.

ALPHAND is known for her bold skiing and fearless nature, advantageous traits on this historic Alpine course.

The same held true for the Men’s course.

Several Skiers crashed or went off course on the high-flying knoll, which tested the competitors' ability to control their air time and, of course, their landing, as they then had to negotiate a tricky turn.

Moroccan skier Adam LAMHAMEDI’s mastered this move in a feat of flawless technique and leg strength. Maintaining his speed there helped earn him Gold in the Men’s Super G.

Fredrik BAUER (SWE) took the Silver and Joan VERDU SANCHEZ (AND) secured the Bronze medal.

LAMHAMEDI said afterwards he was determined not to let his chance of gold slip away.

"You are here, it’s your time buddy, go for it," he told himself in the starting gate. "Do your best, and have fun."

Having fun was a big theme of the day, as several athletes commented on the joy of skiing a course known for historic runs from the Innsbruck Olympic Winter Games of 1964 and 1976.

The course’s top-quality snow conditions and aggressive gate placement also showed that coaches and organisers are willing to push the boundaries of junior skiing on this international forum.

If today is any indication, skiers who know how to be bold on the course, and cool and calm off it, are likely to fill the six remaining Alpine Skiing podiums at these Games.

YIS tb/rm/lm

Morocco's only athlete in Innsbruck grabs Men's Super G Gold

INNSBRUCK, Jan 14 - Morocco has only one athlete participating at the Innsbruck 2012 Winter Youth Olympic Olympic Games and he is now a Gold medallist after winning the Alpine Skiing Men's Super G on Saturday.

Adam LAMHAMEDI (MAR) grabbed the Gold with a time of 1 minute 04.45 seconds, and afterwards insisted his win proves anything is possible.

"This represents that in life you can do everything, never give up," he said. "We came from Africa and we won in Alpine Skiing, so all is possible."

LAMHAMEDI lives in Quebec and was originally Canada’s top-ranked Alpine Skiing qualifier for the Games.

He trains with the Canadian team and wears the same outfit, but LAMHAMEDI has always dreamed of representing Morocco.

"It's a personal choice," he said. "I wanted to prove Moroccans can ski well, and I proved it today."

LAMHAMEDI's father was born in Morocco and relatives and friends of the 16 year old travelled from there, France, and Canada to join his parents in the snowy grandstand at the base of this challenging Super G course at Patscherkofel.

"The Moroccan Ski Federation, as well as the Olympic Committee, they have put a lot of work, faith, and trust into Adam," LAMHAMEDI's coach, Martin COTE (MAR), said. "We are all just honoured to represent Morocco here today and for the whole Olympics."

LAMHAMEDI, with several top-20 finishes in Canadian FIS races, will now be considered a major contender for more medals at the Games. He is set to compete in all four Alpine Skiing events, continuing with the Men’s Super Combined on Sunday.

YIS tb/rm/lm

First Gold medal of the Games goes to French Alpine Skier ALPHAND

INNSBRUCK, Jan 14 – The first Gold medal of the Innsbruck 2012 Winter Youth Olympic Games went to 16-year-old Estelle ALPHAND (FRA) as the Alpine Skiing favourite took the Women's Super G with a time of 1 minute, 5.78 seconds.

The Silver medal went to Nora Grieg CHRISTENSEN (NOR), who was only one hundredth of a second behind, and the Bronze went to Christina AGER (AUT), who claimed the host nation's first medal of the Games in a time of 1:06.06.

"It’s amazing to be the winner of the first Gold medal," ALPHAND said. "But it’s just the beginning."

ALPHAND is going for Gold in all four Skiing events hosted at the Patscherkofel venue.

If she can achieve her lofty goal, it could gain ALPHAND some attention from her idol, Lindsey VONN (USA), who may visit the Games later this week.

"I’ve never met her, maybe in Val d’Isere but I’ve just seen her," ALPHAND said, adding that she would welcome the idea of spending time with the American, who is an Olympic Gold medallist and World Cup Skiing phenomenon.

ALPHAND has another noteworthy role model, her father Luc ALPHAND, an Olympian and former World Cup Skiing star who once won the famed Hahnenkamm race in Kitzbuhel twice in one day, in 1995.

It is perhaps from him that ALPHAND gets her love of speed.

When not at school in Albertville, the Serre Chevalier Vallée native rides motorcycles, rides horses, and does almost anything that can give her the thrill of going fast.

"She is one of those people who loves speed," French ski coordinator Jean Pierre MOLLIE said. "She is always participating in sports of different kinds when she's not skiing or training."

ALPHAND will continue her quest for medals in the Super Combined when action gets under way on Sunday at 10:15.

YIS tb/rm

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