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. бг ски новини : Вторият СВЕТОВЕН ДЕН НА СНЕГА ще бъде на 20 януари 2013! - 03 February 2012 - 10:40

ФИС официално обяви датата на "Световния ден на снега" догодина - 20-ти януари 2013 г.! Първото честване на международния празник на всички дейности на сняг се проведе преди 10 дни едновременно на 255 места в 39 държави по целия свят. България също се включи достойно в инициативата. В парка зад музея „Земята и хората” до НДК в София се състоя невиждан в българска градска среда спортен празник.


Организатори на първия снежен празник в София по случай СВЕТОВНИЯ ДЕН НА СНЕГА бяха българското професионално интернет издание SKI.BG, Българска федерация по ски и Столична община.

Повече подробности за първото честване на Световния ден на снега по света вижте в съобщението на ФИС по случая:

2nd World Snow Day on 20th January 2013

FIS is pleased to confirm that following the first successful edition of World Snow Day 10 days ago, the second global celebration of all things snow will take place on Sunday 20th January 2013.
Fantastic stories, news and accounts continue to reach the FIS office from many of the 225 events organizers in 39 countries around the world. More and more photos and films are on display on the World Snow Day channels on Facebook and videos here.
Moreover, the first World Snow Day also resulted in a new world record. The La Molina and Masella Ski Resort in Spain broke the previous record for the most number of people participating in a torchlight run. In celebration of World Snow Day, La Molina created a historic day. 5089 skiers with torches illuminated the sky of Cerdanya to create the new world record for the most people participating. Early in the afternoon all 5089 participants from far and wide gathered at the base of the mountain, with mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, grandparents but most importantly children. They were also privileged to have the presence of a great group of individuals from the Special Olympics team. To warm the group up, there was a stage which hosted two live acts to entertain the children and begin the fun and as the sun set, the participants began obtaining their torches and ascending the mountain. At the top they were given instructions, their torch was illuminated and then the magic began with the participants descending the mountain in a slow gentle line which made for an unforgettable sight as the 935m piste came alive in the dark. The spectacle concluded with a fireworks display to rival that of a New Year's eve event.
It goes without saying that there is already great anticipation for an even bigger and more exciting 2nd World Snow Day on 20th January 2013. For more information visit

FIS news
February 03, 2012

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