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01 Февруари 2004 - 19:25
Новини от Световната Алпийска Ски Купа
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01/02/2004 14:01

При жените в Хаус им Енщал победата си разделиха германската тийнейджърка Мария Рийш и олимпийската шампионка Карол Монтийе (Фр).

Riesch, Montillet share victory in Super-G
HAUS IM ENNSTAL, Austria (AP) _ Maria Riesch of Germany and Carole Montillet of France shared victory in a World Cup Super-G Sunday in the tightest race of the season so far. It was the second win in three days for Riesch, who dominated the first of back-to-back downhills Friday only to suffer a high-speed crash Saturday. The 19-year-old German, starting with the No. 22 bib, posted a flawless run down the treacherous, 2,308-meter Krummholz course full of sharp curves and moguls, finishing in 1 minute, 25.04 seconds. Her time was later matched by Montillet. "It's absolutely unbelievable. It's like a miracle," said Riesch. "Thanks God I didn't suffer any injuries in the crash yesterday. I wasn't scared to go back to the slope today because the race wasn't so fast." Super-G world champion Michaela Dorfmeister of Austria finished third, 0.15 back. The series of races at Haus im Ennstal was marred by several serious accidents. Kirsten Clark of the United States, Regina Haeusl of Germany, Ingrid Rumpfhuber of Austria and Gabriela Martincova of the Czech Republic all suffered season-ending injuries in high-speed crashes. Martina Ertl of Germany fell halfway through Sunday's Super-G but miraculously recovered after sliding on her back for almost 50 meters and finished the race.
01/02/2004 13:45

Херман Майер стана първи в супер-Г
"ДНЕВНИК" 16:17 ч.

Австриецът Херман Майер спечели супергигантски слалом в неделя в германския зимен център Гармиш Партенкирхен, валиден за Световната купа по ски алпийски дисциплини при мъжете и излезе начело във временното генерално класиране за Големия кристален глобус.

С този свой успех австрийският скиор, за когото това е първи пълен сезон след жестоката катастрофа с мотор, си осигури малката Световна купа в дисциплината, тъй като до края на сезона остават само още два старта на Супер-Г.

Втори в подреждането остана французинът Пиер-Еманюел Далсен, а третото място зае неизвестният швейцарец Тобиас Грюненфелдер.Бенямин Райх от Австрия, който до неделя бе лидер във временното генерално класиране за Световната купа, падна тежко в началото на трасето в Гармиш Партенкирхен. При единия от завоите той не успя да удържи на високата скорост, загуби равновесие и направи салто във въздуха, падна на главата си и продължи да се пързаля поне още 200 метра, преди да спре в предпазните заграждения. Райх, който първоначално не показа да има сериозни травми, незабавно беше откаран в болница за пълни изследвания.


01/02/2004 13:29
Ladies standing disciplines
GERG 517

HOSP ... 
01/02/2004 12:25
Men standing disciplines

ROCCA 310 ...  
01/02/2004 09:34
McCarty bound for World Cup Finals?
"I haven't been doing World Cups that long and these people are really good. I'm psyched to be up here I was," she said. Despite missing four World Cup downhills, McCarty appears to be on the verge of qualifying for World Cup Finals, which is for the top 25. Her two DHs moved her into 23rd place. 
31/01/2004 14:15

Австрийка свали от №1 Персон
Стар съм за Световната купа, скромничи Щефан Еберхартер

За втори път този сезон Ренате Гьотчел поведе за Световната купа в ските. Тя завърши втора в спускането пред родна публика в Хаус им Енщал и дръпна с 35 точки пред досегашната водачка Аня Персон. Шведката не участваше заради грип.
Реванш за втората си позиция в петък взе Изолде Костнер. Тя победи с време 1:39,31 минути. Радост на италианците донесе и Даниела Чекарели, финиширала пета. "Още съм от голяма класа - възкликна 28-годишната Изолде, която нямаше победа от ноември 2001. - В спускането съм най-добра и прекрасно е, че спечелих точно в тази дисциплина."
Костнер, която е световна шампионка на Супер Г и тройна медалистка от олимпийски игри, спечели 15-ия си старт от Световната купа. Миналия сезон обаче претърпя свирепо падане на тренировка в Лейк Луиз и получи куп травми, включително сътресение на мозъка. "Главата понякога още ме боли, но цяло лято се лекувах и сега съм по-добре", разказа тя.
Гьотчел пък изпитваше смесени чувства към представянето си. "Искаше ми се да повторя успеха на Еберхартер", призна австрийката. След нея вчера остана Френци Аубденблатен (Швейц), за която това бе първо класиране на подиума.
В Гармиш Партенкирхен Щефан Еберхартер записа 17-ата си победа на спускане (от общо 28 за СК). Така той се утвърди като лидер за глобуса в дисциплината. "Стар съм за Световната купа", заяви 34-годишният Еберхартер, който се изкачи на второ място в генералното класиране за трофея, а предния сезон го спечели.


31/01/2004 14:10

Еберхартер с трета победа в спускането за един месец

Трима австрийци с еднакви времена в Гармиш-Партенкирхен
Седем скиори паднаха по стръмното заледеното трасе с разлика във височините 960 метра

Носителят на Световната купа по ски-алпийски дисциплини за 2003 г. Щефан Еберхартер записа трета победа в спускането за един месец. Той завърши първи на пистата “Кандахар” в Гармиш-Партенкирхен (Гер), като премина трасето с дължина 3455 метра и невероятно голяма разлика във височините – 960 м за 1:58,70 мин. Австриецът беше №1 още два пъти от началото на годината в коронната си дисциплина – в Шамони на 10 януари и в Кицбюел на 24-и. В петък той завърши трети, на 0,21 сек от победителя Дидие Кюш (Швейц) и оглави класирането за малката купа в най-скоростната дисциплина.
От 44-те скиори, които застанаха на старт за второто спускане в германския курорт, до финала не стигнаха 7. За тях заледената и изключително трудна писта се оказа непреодолимо препятствие. Най-известното име сред спускачите-неудачници беше на норвежеца Бярне Солбакен, който се смяташе до този кръг за една от големите изненади в абфарта.

Втори, само на 0,09 сек от Еберхартер финишира сънародникът му Фриц Щробъл, олимпийски шампион в спускането, а трети – на 0,45 – италианецът Алесандро Фатори. След тях се нареди швейцарецът Дидие Дефаго. Трима австрийци – Херман Майер, Ханес Тринкъл и Кристоф Грубер пък си поделиха петото място с еднакви до стотна от секундата времена – 1:59,49 мин.

Еберхартер, който стана миналата седмица в Кицбюел най-възрастният скиор с победа за Световната купа, дръпна в челото на класирането при спускачите с 591 точки след 9 от общо 12-те старта за сезона. Втори остана американецът Дарън Ралвс, който завърши 14-и, на 1,64 сек, а трети е Херминатора с 408. Световният шампион и доскорошен лидер в абфарта Михаел Валхофер отново се представи неубедително, като финишира 16-и, на 1,76 сек, но поне завърши, за разлика от предишния ден.

Днес на същата писта е супергигантския слалом при мъжете.

31/01/2004 09:19
Rahlves battling fatigue
Conceding he was "a little sick," Rahlves explained, "It was a really tough week last week, on the hill and off the hill. I'm playing catch-up right now with my health. I felt pretty tired at the top. "I tried to punch it real hard at the top and save a little bit for the bottom.
31/01/2004 09:13
Clark is third top skier injured in Haus
Clark was the final U.S. skier to go out. Lindsey Kildow (Vail, CO) crashed off the same jump that caught Clark near the first timing interval on the Krummholz course. Libby Ludlow (Bellevue, WA) went down in the midsection. Clark crashed and was caught in the safety netting.
31/01/2004 09:13
Video session helped McCarty solved problems
After having some problems in the two training runs, she watched videos showed by the coaching staff Thursday night and made notes on how to correct her racing. "I made a couple of mistakes in the training runs and I cleaned up what I had to," she said. 

30/01/2004 14:51
Alpine star Kjus' season over after knee operation
OSLO, Norway (AP) _ Alpine skiing champion Lasse Kjus' season has been spoiled by a knee injury, his national team doctor said after operating on the Norwegian on Friday. Kjus, 33, injured his knee last week in Kitzbuehel, after winning the first of two downhill races in the Austrian resort.
30/01/2004 14:25
Riesch gets first win, Clark crashes
HAUS IM ENNSTAL, Austria (AP) _ Germany's Maria Riesch won a women's downhill on Friday for her first World Cup victory, while American Kirsten Clark crashed badly and was taken to hospital by helicopter. Riesch mastered the 3,107-meter Krommholz slope, one of the longest and most demanding on the women's circuit, in 1 minute, 39.30 seconds after already setting the best time in training. Italy's Isolde Kostner finished second in 1:39.76, ahead of Austria's Renate Goetschl, who clocked 1:39.78 and kept her lead in the downhill standings. Hilde Gerg of Germany finished fourth, ahead of the United States' Bryna McCarty.
30/01/2004 13:54

Швейцарец най-бърз на спускането по “Кандахар”

Бенямин Райх още води за Световната купа при алпийците
Еберхартер лидер в класирането за абфарта, шампионът Михаел Валхофер падна и вече е трети

Швейцарецът Дидие Кюш беше най-бърз на спускането за Световната купа по ски-алпийски дисциплини по пистата “Кандахар” в Гармиш-Партенкирхен (Гер). Той мина дистанцията от 3455 м с денивелация 960 метра и 46 врати за 1:59,59 мин и с това изненада доста от фаворитите. За 29-годишния скиор това беше четвърта победа в надпреварата за Кристалния глобус, но първа за сезона и първа на тази писта.

Втори, само на 0,08 сек, остана Дарън Ралвс от САЩ, трети – на 0,21, пък завърши носителят на приза за миналата година Щефан Еберхартер (Ав). В челната тройка влязоха още двама австрийци – Фриц Щробъл (+0,71) и Херман Майер (+0,83) и още един швейцарец – Бруно Кернен (+0,91). Миналата година на това трасе челната тройка беше същата, но в друг ред – Еберхартер, Кюш, Ралвс.
Еберхартер оглави класирането при спускачите с 491 точки, след него с 435 е Ралвс, а падналият по трасето доскорошен водач и световен шампион от Сен Мориц 2003 г. Михаил Валхофер е трети с 390.

Лидер в генералното класиране пък продължава да бъде австриецът Бенямин Райх с 918 т., който е специалист на слалом и гигантски слалом и не се пусна в Гармиш Партенкирхен. С 824 т. след него е контузилият тежко коляното си на тренировките Ласе Кюс (Нор), който беше опериран и ще пропусне стартовете до края на сезона. Трети е Херман Майер със 777 т.

На старта при температура минус 9 градуса в Гармиш застанаха общо 45 скиори. До финала, където термометрите показваха минус 6 обаче стигнаха 41 от тях.

Днес има още едно спускане по “Кандахар”, а утре – Супер Г.

30/01/2004 08:29
Maier comes back to one of his favorite slopes
GARMISCH-PARTENKRICHEN (AP) _ It could be a good weekend for Hermann Maier on one of his favorite slopes. The Austrian superstar could be at the top of the World Cup standings by Sunday afternoon, after three races on the demanding Kandahar course.
30/01/2004 07:30
Rumpfhuber injured in bad crash
HAUS IM ENNSTAL, Austria (AP) _ Austrian downhill star Ingrid Rumpfhuber lost control of her skis during a practice run on the Krummholz slope Thursday and suffered a compound fracture on her lower left leg.
29/01/2004 12:06
Ivica Kostelic undergoes surgery in Swiss clinic after a bad crash in slalom
ZAGREB, Croatia (AP) _ Croatian skier Ivica Kostelic underwent knee surgery in a Swiss clinic Wednesday, ruling him out for the rest of the season. The reigning slalom world champion injured his right knee after a terrible crash in a World Cup slalom race a day earlier in Schladming, Austria.
28/01/2004 22:02
 Haeusl out for rest of the season
HAUS, Austria (AP) _ German skier Regina Haeusl tore ligaments in her left knee during a practice session Wednesday and will be sidelined for the rest of the season. The 30-year-old Haeusl, whose personal best this season is 13th place in St. Moritz, Switzerland, was flown by helicopter to Germany. 
28/01/2004 09:00
Miller takes delay in stride, finishes fourth in World Cup Slalom
SCHLADMING, Austria (AP) _ Bode Miller's entourage was furious about the way a long delay ahead of their skier's final run was handled on Austrian turf. Miller, in his usual nonchalant manner, was not.
27/01/2004 23:02
 Raich wins World Cup slalom, Kostelic crashes
SCHLADMING, Austria (AP) _ Benjamin Raich of Austria won a men's World Cup slalom race Tuesday, for a record third win on the famous Planai course. Raich was only third in the opening run and trailing by 1.02 behind leader Bode Miller. But inspired by the roar of more than 41,000 fans echoing across the mountain, Raich attacked the floodlit course to finish with a winning two-run combined time of 1 minute, 41.67 Raich is the only skier with three wins at on the Planai, considered the most difficult slalom course on the World Cup circuit. "This is the greatest day in my life," said Raich, after taking over the lead of the overall standings again. "It's a dream come true. I cannot believe I have actually won, although I knew I could do it. "The second run was actually easier. I had a good feeling. Each win is wonderful, but winning in front of my home fans is fantastic." Italian youngster Manfred Moelgg had a similarly impressive second leg, climbing from sixth to second in 1:42.24. World Cup slalom leader Kalle Palander of Finland, the winner of three of six slaloms this season, third in 1:42.25. The Finn had finished only eighth in the first leg. Miller, who was leading after the first leg, settled for fourth place in 1:42.37. The American, who was seeking to end a two-year victory drought, was forced to wait 15 minutes in the start hut before his run, after Ivica Kostelic crashed on the course and was taken the down the slope in a sled. "In slalom you are always bound to make a mistake and you can drop from first to last," Miller said. "It's hard to do, especially here. I was always confident and ready to do it." Miller has not won a slalom since triumphing here exactly two years ago. Though he has dominated the giant slalom, Miller has failed to finish four of the season's six slalom races. He went out in three speed races in Beaver Creek and veered off course in a giant slalom in Flachau. Croatian team officials said Kostelic's shoulder was injured quite seriously but were unsure what exactly was wrong yet. Raich now tops the overall standings with 918 points, overtaking Lasse Kjus of Norway, who has 824. Miller's fourth place finish boosted him into third place in the overall rankings with 751, putting him past Hermann Maier, on 732. 
27/01/2004 12:13
Hosp out for season, surgery went well
INNSBRUCK, Austria (AP) _ Injured Austrian skier Nicole Hosp is out for the season after breaking her ankle while jogging, a doctor said. Hosp, 20, was recovering and upbeat Tuesday after successful ankle surgery at Innsbruck's University Clinic. Hosp broke her ankle while jogging. 
27/01/2004 09:29
Paerson roots for Swedish handball team after winning races in Slovenia
VELENJE, Slovenia (AP) _ Swedish ski star Anja Paerson did not party after winning the World Cup slalom and giant slalom races this weekend in Slovenia. Instead, she rooted for her country's handball team at the European Championships.
26/01/2004 12:07
Grandi posts historical Canadian second

KITZBUEHEL, Austria (AP) _ Two good omens and a thwack on the head put Thomas Grandi on the podium for the first time in seven years Sunday in a men's World Cup slalom. The 31-year-old finished second behind winner and defending World Cup slalom champion Kalle Palander to give Canadian men their first ever slalom podium. In fact, it was the best result ever for Canada's men in any World Cup technical event. Palander charged down the fabled Ganslern course in a two-run aggregate time of one minute, 30.63 seconds for his third slalom victory of the season and to jump into the lead of the discipline standings. Skiing in the top seed for the first time, Grandi was fastest in the opening leg and maintained his cool the second trip down. He preserved his advantage until the bottom section of the course, where he lost some valuable time to cross a maddening 0.08 behind Palander. "It's been seven years. It's been a long journey back to the podium," said Grandi, whose only other World Cup podium was a third place in Park City in 1997. "I've been chasing this a long time. "It's a great feeling. I have had good second runs previously, but never a good opener. I wasn't nervous at all this morning, but before my second run, I certainly was." The best World Cup slalom result for Canadian men until now was a fourth place finish by Scott Henderson, who was fourth in Franconia in the inaugural year of the World Cup in 1967. The previous best in any technical event was also produced by Grandi, who placed third in a giant slalom in 1997 in Park City. Grandi had an inkling the day had something in store for him. Before the first run, he rode up the mountain in Ken Read's gondola, named for him after the Crazy Canuck's downhill victory here in 1980. "It was a coincidence," Grandi said. "I thought it was quite an omen. "The in the second run I went up in Alberto Tomba's gondola. He is a big idol of mine, my hero. It set me up for a great day." It marked the first time Grandi ever led after the first leg. The Canadian is better known for making remarkable comebacks in the second leg, especially when he is angry about a poor first run. Last week in Wengen, the Canadian posted his previous best slalom result, rallying to finish fifth after crossing a disappointing 26th in the opening leg. He made another stunning comeback in a giant slalom at Alta Badia, in December, crossing 25th in the opening leg then coming back to finish sixth. The Canadian used a different kind of anger to fuel his performance Sunday after hitting his head in a fall on his way to the Hahnenkamm mountain gondola before the race. "I was pretty angry today, too," Grandi said. "I was walking to the gondola and I slipped on some snow. "I fell on my back with my feet in the air and hit my head on the cement. If I hadn't been wearing my helmet I would have had a concussion for sure. "I went ballistic for a while, I was so mad. That pulled the aggression out of me. I used it to my advantage." 


26/01/2004 12:05
Sweden's Paerson back on top of World Cup
MARIBOR, Slovenia (AP) _ Swedish ski star Anja Paerson expects this season's race for the overall title in the women's World Cup to be a cat-and-mouse game between her and Austrian speed specialist Renate Goetschl. Paerson, a technical specialist, and Goetschl, who thrives on speed, have been exchanging leadership in the standings as the circuit switches from the gate disciplines to the speed events. Paerson, who had a strong grip on the lead before Goetschl took advantage of six straight speed events, is on top again after winning back-to-back titles at this weekend's giant slalom and slalom in Maribor. With 998 points and a slender 105-point cushion going into another bout of speed races, she doesn't expect to stay on top for too long. "There are a lot of races to go and I think we are going to switch in turns for the leadership till the very end," Paerson said. "For sure, Goetschl will work her way back after Haus im Ennstal, (Austria)" she added, noting the site of two downhills and a super-G scheduled next week. Still, Paerson's dominance in the slaloms was awe-striking. She won Saturday's giant slalom by .98 seconds and then whipped her nearest rival in the slalom by a staggering 1.24 seconds. "Anja combined two perfect runs today. She skied very fast not making any mistakes. We made too many," runner-up Marlie Schild of Austria said. Nicole Hosp, also from Austria, came in third, 1.35 seconds off the winning pace. The skies were overcast but the conditions were excellent on Pohorje mountain, a backdrop for Slovenia's second-largest city. Paerson carved a .48 second lead in the first leg and was already 1.14 seconds ahead at the split of the second run before she further increased the margin in the closing stretch. "It was really fun and I'm really happy with the way I'm skiing," Paerson said. She slumped to the ground in the finish area, letting her skis slide through the snow until she reached a standstill. The victory was her 17th career title. Six alone coming from wins at Maribor. "I feel like home here, like there is a special bond," the 22-year-old said, likening the course at Pohorje to the one in her hometown in Sweden, which happens to also be the birthplace of ski great Ingemar Stenmark. "The angle here is just like the slope in Taernaby, where I grew up. It's steep and I can really attack it." Hosp, who is having her best season on the circuit, snapped Paerson's unbeaten run in the slalom this season in Madonna di Campiglio, Italy. She was delighted just to be on the podium this time after a terrible spill in the giant slalom a day earlier. "Everything is hurting, my neck, my back, my shoulder, my knee. But I tried to forget this," she said. German veteran Martina Ertl had similar misfortunes. She was looking light and fast after the first run, but crashed out of the race after recording the fastest split time _ an almost instant replay of her disappointing performance in the giant slalom. 

26/01/2004 09:45
Miller Wins Kitz Combined 
KITZBUEHEL, Austria (Jan. 25) - Bode Miller (Franconia, NH), skiing with controlled aggression in a snowstorm, collected his second combined victory of the season Sunday - and the 10th win of his career - as he finished fourth in a slalom concluding the 64th Hahnenkamm race weekend. Tom Rothrock (Cashmere, WA) equaled the best result of his career in ninth place and Chip Knight (Stowe, VT) was 26th. It was the second win in four days of racing in Kitzbuehel for the U.S. Ski Team on the weekend, the fourth podium following the triple top-3 showing by Daron Rahlves (Sugar Bowl, CA) who won Friday's super G, was third in a DH Thursday and second Saturday in the 64th Hahnenkamm downhill. Outdoor Life Network will carry coverage of the Hahnenkamm DH tonight at 5 p.m. ET with a rebroadcast Thursday night at 10 ET. The combined victory vaulted Miller into fourth in the overall points race - "Any one of seven or eight guys still could win the overall," Miller said - behind Lasse Kjus of Norway, who won Thursday's downhill. It also is the first U.S. victory in combined in Kitzbuehel since 1983 when Phil Mahre won (Bobby Cochran also won combined - in 1973). 
25/01/2004 15:15

Паландер най-бърз на слалома

Финландецът Кале Паландер беше най-бърз на слалома, валиден за алпийската комбинация в Кицбюел (Ав) с 1:30,63 мин от двата манша. На 0,06 след него е Томас Гранди (Кан), а на 1,06 Райнер Шьонфелдер (Ав). Паландер оглави класирането при слаломистите с 315 т., пред Шьонфелдер и Джорджо Рока (Ит), които имат по 310. За комбинацията води Биде Милър от САЩ с 200 т.Ласе Кюс (Нор) остава лидер в генералното с 824 т.

ФИС раздаде премии от 75 000 евро за слалома в Кицбюел
ВЕСЕЛИН ЙОРДАНОВ 26/1 - 17:15 ч.

Международната федерация по ски (ФИС) раздаде премии на стойност 75 000 евро за слалома в Кицбюел, който е валиден и за алпийската комбинация, съобщи ДПА. Най-висока парична награда получи Кале Паландер, финиширал пръв в състезанието, което бе валидно за Световната купа. Финландецът, който защитава титлата си в слалома от миналата година, получи 18 000 евро за това, че записа най-добро време - 1:30.63 мин. Паландер продължава да води в класирането за малката световна купа в тази дисциплина. Боде Милър спечели комбинацията, след като завърши четвърти в слалома. Въпреки че има най-добро време от двата старта - 3:31.43 минути, американецът получи 16 000 евро, което провокира остри реплики от страна на американския отбор по отношение на ФИС. Представителите на САЩ негодуваха от факта, че успехът на Паландер бе оценен по-високо от първото място в комбинацията на Милър.

Финландецът е първият скиор след Марк Жирардели (Люксембург), който печели за втори пореден път в Кицбюел в рамките на две години. Втори остана канадецът Томас Гранди, за когото този резултат е най-добрият в кариерата му и най-добър за Канада изобщо в алпийските дисциплини. Той се класира на второ място с време 1:30.71 мин. и дори водеше в първия манш. Райнер Шьонфелдер от Австрия остана трети, изпреварвайки с 0.12 секунди Боде Милър - победителя в комбинацията.

Тази година наградният фонд на Световната купа по ски, алпийски дисциплини, е 10 милиона евро, уточни ДПА. Парите са подсигурени от ФИС, от основния спонсор на централата - автомобилния гигант "Ауди", и от организаторите на всеки отделен кръг. ДПА отчита, че в сравнение с миналата година наградният фонд не е променен. Този сезон общо 35 скиори при мъжете и 36 дами ще спорят за премиите от 5 милиона евро. За всеки кръг от календара на Световната купа са предвидени средно премии от 75 000 евро, като чекове получават първите десет състезатели в крайното класиране.

25/01/2004 13:00

Персон първа на слалом

Лидерката за Световната купа по ски-алпийски дисциплини Аня Персон записа 7-ата си победа за сезона на слалома в Марибор (Слвн). Тя изпревари с 1,20 сек Марлиз Шилд (Ав) и сънародничката й Никол Хосп с 1,35. С това шведката дръпна в генералното класиране с 998 т. Тя води още в две класации – на слаломистките с 580 т. и на гигантски слалом с 331.

25/01/2004 12:33
Grandi leads after opening slalom run
KITZBUEHEL, Austria (AP) _ Thomas Grandi sat poised to record the first victory by a Canadian man in any World Cup technical event Sunday, posting the fastest time in the opening leg of a slalom. Grandi, better known for delivering stunning comebacks in the second leg, recorded the fastest time. 
25/01/2004 10:33
Paerson leads Maribor slalom
MARIBOR, Slovenia (AP) _ World Cup overall leader Anja Paerson of Sweden was poised for a back-to-back title as she led in the first leg of a slalom race Sunday. Paerson, who won the giant slalom here on Saturday, blitzed down the icy Pohorje course in 49.78 seconds, beating Marlies Schild of Austria.  
25/01/2004 00:50
Hoffmann scores first Swiss men's podium this season
KITZBUEHEL, Austria (AP) _ Desperation changed to relief in Ambrosi Hoffmann's face when he stepped onto the podium Saturday after a men's World Cup downhill. Hoffmann finished third in the downhill on the legendary Hahnenkamm causing a sigh of relief in his homeland. "We were very much under pressure. People in the streets even asked us what was wrong," he told Austrian television. "I have also had a tough season, but this weekend here is a dream come true." It was the first podium finish of the season for his team. Stephan Eberharter of Austria won the race in 1 minute, 55.48 seconds, followed by Daron Rahlves of the United States. "We didn't realize at the start of the season all the things that weren't going well, and when we saw what was wrong it was too late," Hoffmann said. Before Saturday, Didier Cuche's fifth place finish in a Super G in Beaver Creek, Colorado, had been the best result of the Swiss men's team this season. "I was very emotional waiting in the finish. It took a long time to find out I was going to be on the podium, and then a long time to realize what I had done," Hoffmann said. It was the second top three finish in Hoffmann's career. He took second place in Altenmarkt-Zauchensee, Austria, two years ago. "It was different back then," he said. "The team was in much better shape and my result was certainly most surprising for me. This time, I felt I had a chance," The 27-year-old came in seventh in Friday's Super G. Swiss teammate Didier Cuche crossed the line in seventh place, followed by Paul Accola in 13th and Bruno Kernen in 15th. "I think this result today will trigger something on the team and we'll probably go on to get better results now," said Hoffmann, who was nearly 1 1/2 seconds behind Eberharter, showing there is more work to be done. "I worked hard to get this podium not only for me but the whole team," Hoffmann said. "If we focus on our skills and train hard, we might kick the Austrians off the podium soon." The Swiss team's last winner was Michael von Gruenigen in a giant slalom in Yongpyong, South Korea in March 2003. 

25/01/2004 00:29
Eberharter is back but talking of leaving again

KITZBUEHEL, Austria (AP) _ Austrian Stephan Eberharter showed he was back Saturday, winning the World Cup most prestigious downhill. However, he was already talking about leaving again. The 34-year-old Austrian, who demolished the rest of the field by winning with a stunning 1.21 margin, reveled in the feat, which could be his very last on the classic Hahnenkamm mountain. "I'm back at the top and it feels great," said Eberharter, who had been mired in a slump the last couple of months, struggling with a throat problem. "I've dealt with my sickness. I'm back in business. There were some people who doubted me but I always believed in myself and that's what counts. "I'm going for the downhill globe now," added the Austrian, who moved into the discipline lead with his victory. But no sooner were the words out of his mouth that Eberharter was already talking about his retirement next year. "I'm definitely at my best again but I know myself. I have a lot of experience," said the reigning World Cup overall, downhill and super-G champion after collecting his 27th World Cup victory. "In two months I'll be 35. That's pretty old in this business. I feel fit but once you decide to continue you have to go 100 percent. "Of course I always think I can do better and get more wins. But if you kept on like that you would never stop." Eberharter, who began to show signs of his former self two weeks ago when he won a downhill in Chamonix, France, charged down the 3.3 kilometer Streif course in a winning time of one minute, 55.48 seconds. Last year, the Austrians were shut out from the podium in front of their home fans, denting national pride. This time, the home hero sent some 42,000 fans with horns, bells, flares and torches, into a delirium, winning with the fourth-largest margin ever in a downhill in Kitzbuehel. Rahlves _ who won Friday's super-G and finished third in a replacement downhill Thursday _ settled for second place in 1:56.69. Switzerland's Ambrosi Hoffmann was a surprise third in 1:56.78, recording his team's first podium finish this season. Favorites Hermann Maier of Austria, runnerup in Friday's super-G, and overall World Cup leader Lasse Kjus of Norway, the winner of Thursday's downhill, were unable to keep up and finished in ninth and 11th position, respectively. 

24/01/2004 15:24
Canadian Hume flown to hospital after crash
KITZBUEHEL, Austria (AP) _ Canadian Jeff Hume suffered a bruised chest and a concussion Saturday after crashing in a World Cup downhill on the notorious Hahnenkamm. Hume was going to be flown to a hospital in nearby St. Johann for a head scan, officials said.
24/01/2004 15:18

Еберхартер пръв на спускане в Кицбюел
Ласе Кюс остава лидер в класирането за Световната купа
Само трима от 47-те скиори не завършиха на страховитата писта “Щрайф”

Носителят на Световната купа по ски-алпийски дисциплини за 3003 г. Щефан Еберхартер спечели спускането в Кицбюел (Ав). Навършващият 35 години на 24 март австриец зарадва сънародниците си, обкръжили страховитото трасе "Щрайф" с невероятно скоростно изпълнение. Той мина дистанцията от 3312 м с денивелация 860 м и 33 врати за 1:55,48 мин. Това беше с цяла секунда и 22 стотни по-бързо от постижението на втория в Кицбюел - американеца Дарън Ралвс, който победи на Супер Г в петък на същата писта. Трети, на 1:30 сек пък завърши швейцарецът Амбрози Хофман.
За Щефан Еберхартер това беше 27-а победа за Световната купа, 16-а в спускането и втора за този сезон, след онази на спускането в Шамони на 10 януари. С това той влезе сред първите 6 за всички времена в историята на състезанието, като раздели шестата позиция с американеца Фил Мер, скиор от 80-те години на XX век. Рекордът обаче продължава да държи с 86 победи невероятният швед Ингемар Стенмарк. След него са Алберто Томба (Ит) с 50, Марк Жирардели (Люкс) с 46, Херминатора с 44, Пирмин Цурбриген (Швейц) с 40.

В шестицата на спускането в Кицбюел влязоха още австрийците Ханс Кнаус (+1:75 сек) и Михаел Валхофер (:1:78) и италианският ветеран Кристиян Гедина (+1:79).

Най-популярният скиор на тази страна - Херман Майер, остана едва 9-и, на 2:19 секунди. От стартиралите при температура минус 10 градуса на 1665 м надморска височина 47 скиори, до финала на 805 м, където беше минус 13 градуса, не стигнаха само трима.

Лидерът в генералното класиране за Кристалния глобус - норвежецът Ласе Кюс запази първото си място със 764 точки, след като завърши 11-и, на 2:23 сек. Само на 50 точки от него е Херман Майер - 714, трети е Бенямин Райх (Ав) с 689. Еберхартер е четвърти, но излезе начело при спускачите с 431 точки.

24/01/2004 15:11
Rahlves: "I give [Eberharter] my hand..."
And then Eberharter, who lost Thursday's DH by .01 to Norwegian Lasse Kjus and has won the last two World Cup overall, downhill and super G titles, mauled the Streif for the 27th victory of his career...and the festive crowd went into greater gales of jubilation.
24/01/2004 15:11
McBride: "Eberharter's a great champion"
U.S. DH/SG Head Coach John McBride echoed his podium performer: "Stephan's a great champion. I don't know what Daron could've done today to beat him. 'D' had a great run but Stephan really nailed it. There's no arrogance in him, he's always there to congratulate you when you do better, such a good skier.  
24/01/2004 15:02

Аня Персон пак начело след победа в Марибор
Шведката Аня Персон се върна начело в класирането за Световната купа по ски при алпийките след съкрушителна победа на гигантския слалом в Марибор (Слвн). Тя беше втора след първия манш, на 0,17 сек от Михаела Дорфмайстер (Ав), но във втория даде най-добро време – 1:10,20 мин и зае първото място за 6-и път този сезон. С него 22-годишната шведка събра 898 т. в генералното и измести от лидерската позиция австрийката Ренате Гьотчъл, която е втора с 893. Гьотчъл завърши 11-а, на цели 2,43 сек. Персон оглави и листата на скиорките в гигантския слалом с 330 т.

Втора, на 0,98 сек в Марибор остана Дорфмайстер, а трета – на 1,23 - испанката Мария Хосе Риенда Контрерас. От стартиралите 61 скиорки 38 не се класираха за второто спускане, а 7 не завършиха. Соня Неф (Гер) падна лошо във втория манш, Никол Хосп (Ав) пропусна врата, а Мартина Ертъл (Гер) не стигна до края на първия.
24/01/2004 11:09
Dorfmeister leads giant slalom
MARIBOR, Slovenia (AP) _ Austrian veteran Micheala Dorfmeister posted a near-flawless first run to lead the field in a women's World Cup giant slalom Saturday. Dorfmeister, who won here four years ago, blitzed down the icy Pohorje course in 1 minute and 7.9 seconds.
24/01/2004 08:18
Rahlves seeking to repeat last year's Kitz victory, and make Maier "eat his words"
KITZBUEHEL, Austria (AP) _ Daron Rahlves badly wants to defend his World Cup downhill title on Hahnenkamm mountain on Saturday after the great Hermann Maier rubbished the American's victory last year. Rahlves' joy at a historic win in the super-G on Hahnenkamm on Friday _ the first by a non-Austrian.
24/01/2004 00:24
Rahlves had unsettling concerns
Wednesday's downhill training run, which was delayed more than two hours by the weather, had been frustrating. "I didn't have a very good training run here," the 30-year-old Rahlves explained. "It was tough. I felt I was getting soft, I wasn't on my game at all.
23/01/2004 15:39
Friedman suffers concussion, to miss next races
KITZBUEHEL, Austria (AP) _ American Bryon Friedman suffered a concussion during a World Cup super-G on Friday on the famed Hahnenkamm mountain and will be sidelined for a week, team officials said. Friedman fell on his hip and slid full speed into the netting part way down the notorious Streif course. 
23/01/2004 13:30

Дарън Ралвс пръв на Супер Г в Кицбюел

Дарън Ралвс (САЩ) спечели супергигантския слалом в Кицбюел (Ав) от надпреварата за Световната купа по ски-алпийски дисциплини. Това е първа победа за американеца в дисциплината в старт за СК. През 2001 година той стана световен шампион на Супер Г в Санкт Антон (Ав).

Ралвс, който през миналата година стана първият американец, спечелил прочутото състезание по спускане в Кицбюел, премина трасето почти без грешка и спря хронометрите на 1:23,08 минути, оставяйки след себе си трима представители на домакините. Втори, на 3 стотни от победителя, остана Херман Майер, следван от световния шампион в спускането Михаел Валхофер (+0,39) и от Андреас Шиферер (+0,44).

"Знаех, че се движа с необходимата скорост, но имах и малко късмет. Наистина съм доволен, тъй като това е най-трудната писта", заяви след състезанието 30-годишният Ралвс. През този сезон той има и още една победа - на спускане в Бийвър Крийк (Колорадо, САЩ). Общо за СК е спечелил 6 състезания.

Новрежецът Ласе Кюс, който в четвъртък спечели спускането в Кицбюел и излезе начело в генералното класиране за Световната купа, вчера завърши пети.

23/01/2004 09:16

Rahlves on Kitzbuehel podium again

KITZBUEHEL, Austria (AP) _ On race day morning, Daron Rahlves ambled up the jagged Hahnenkamm in the gently swaying gondola named after him. Minutes later, he streaked down the notorious mountain in lightning speed, to finish third behind winner Lasse Kjus of Norway and runner-up Stephan Eberharter. "It feels great," Rahlves said. "Any time you're on a podium here, or in any downhill, but especially in Kitzbuehel, it's great." It marked Rahlves' third podium on the dreaded Streif course, considered the most treacherous on the World Cup circuit. After placing third in 2001, Rahlves upped the ante even further last year, becoming the first American man to win a World Cup downhill here. The feat earned him a gondola with his name painted on it, which will forever ride up the majestic Hahnenkamm with the likes of other past champions Franz Klammer, Karl Schranz, Hermann Maier and Jean-Claude Killy. "After the training run I waited until I could take my gondola back up. It was a good ride in gondola 91," Rahlves said. "It's cool to ride your own gondola." Racers ran a mini-training session on the top part of the course just before the race, after Wednesday's practice run was started lower because of poor weather. The extra training on the upper part of the course meant the race was able to be run from top to bottom. Rahlves said racing aggressively on the upper midsection was the key to his 12th career podium. The American found speed at the top and maintained it. "Where I did really well was in Steilhang (upper midsection). I skied super clean," he said. "I need to be carrying the speed into the flats. "I felt a little uncomfortable with the tight line at the bottom, but that paid off, skiing the way I did on the bottom." Skiers are put to the test right from the very start, speeding through the Mausefalle (Mousetrap), one of the most spectacular drops on the circuit with a 60 degree pitch, which includes a gravity-defying turn, giving skiers blurring speed as they head into the treacherous Steilhang. Racers must then keep a line near the middle of the slope on the Steilhang, a difficult feat as they traverse the section at speeds around 100 kph (62 mph) while fighting the natural fall line, or gravity. The difficult Laerchenschuss and tricky Hausbergkante corner near the bottom of the hill continue to challenge skiers before they head into the final schuss at speeds of about 121 kph (75 mph). Thursday's downhill was a replacement race for one which was moved from Bormio, to Chamonix and then Wengen and finally to the classic Austrian resort because of repeated bad weather. This means in theory, Rahlves can still defend his victory here with the traditional Hahnenkamm downhill on Saturday. It would also allow him the chance to win on the full length course. His victory last year was in a so-called sprint downhill, shortened because of bad weather. "I've got something to prove," Rahlves said. "This is the race of the year. I'm always charged up and excited to be skiing this hill. I was ready to put the hammer down and ski aggressively. "I'm super satisfied with the way it turned out but there's still nothing like winning here, so I'm ready to come back Saturday." Kjus covered the full-length 3.3-kilometer (2.05-mile) course in 1:58.78, a maddening .01 ahead of Eberharter. Rahlves clocked 1:58.98. His teammate Bode Miller finished seventh in 1:59.62. Becoming the sixth skier to win in the six downhills this season, Kjus reclaimed the lead in the World Cup overall points lead, overtaking Austrian technical specialist Benjamin Raich. Austrian Michael Walchhofer leads the discipline standings with 345. Eberharter is second on 331, while Kjus sits third on 292. Hermann Maier is fourth on 289 and Rahlves is fifth with 275. "It's becoming exciting in the points," Rahlves said. Thursday's downhill will also count toward a combined race this weekend, along with Sunday's slalom. Racing continues Thursday with a super-G and a downhill on Friday. 

22/01/2004 13:20

Ласе Кюс лидер след успех на спускане

Норвежкият ветеран Ласе Кюс оглави генералното класиране при мъжете за Световната купа по ски-алпийски дисциплини след победата си на спускането в Кицбюел (Ав). Той премина по страховитото трасе “Щрайф” с дължина 3312 м, денивелация 860 м и 33 врати за 1:58,78 мин. Стартът на 59-те скиори, от които само двама не завършиха, беше при минус 12 градуса на надморска височина 1665 м, а финалът – при минус 5 на 805 метра.

Втори, само на една стотна от секундата, остана австриецът Щефан Еберхартер, носител на Кристалния глобус за 2003 г., а трети, на 0,20 сек е Дарън Ралвс от САЩ. Австрийската легенда Херман Майер е след тях, на 0,58, зад него се наредиха сънародникът му Ханс Кнаус (+0,50) и швейцарецът Амбрози Хофман (+0,65).

Лидерът за малката купа в спускането – Михаел Валхофер (Ав) завърши едва 16-и, на 1,39 сек, но запази първото си място в класирането с 345 т. След него са Еберхартер с 331 и Херминатора с 289.

С успеха си Ласе Кюс събра 695 т. и измести водача в генералното подреждане Беньмин Райх (Ав) на второ място с 689. Трети остава Херман Майер с 605, а Еберхартер вече е четвърти с 538. Зад него в шестицата са Боди Милър (САЩ) и Ханс Кнаус.
22/01/2004 10:01
Janica Kostelic surgery successful
ZAGREB, Croatia (AP) _ Surgeons removed the thyroid gland of Olympic ski champion Janica Kostelic on Wednesday and said she was expected to recover completely in five weeks. Kostelic is the defending overall World Cup champion and three-time Olympic gold medalist. 
21/01/2004 17:07
Eberharter fastest in training on shorted Streif
KITZBUEHEL, Austria (AP) _ Austrian veteran Stephan Eberharter ignored fog and light snowfalls Wednesday to post the fastest time in a men's training session in view of the week's World Cup downhill races.
21/01/2004 11:20
Wengen downhill moved to Garmisch

OBERHOFEN, Switzerland (AP) _ The men's World Cup Lauberhorn downhill race that had to be scrapped in Wengen last week has been rescheduled in Garmsich-Partenkirchen, Germany, the International Ski Federation said Wednesday. The race will take place on Friday, Jan. 30 and will be followed by another downhill and a slalom on the following two days, the federation said. Another downhill, which had been moved from Bormio to Chamonix and then to Wengen because of bad weather, was rescheduled for Kitzbuehel on Thursday. 
20/01/2004 15:21
Austrians try to regain pride and command of Hahnenkamm
KITZBUEHEL, Austria (AP) _ Excluded from the prestigious downhill podium last year, Austrian skiers will attempt to regain their pride as well as command of the most treacherous and esteemed race on the World Cup circuit this weekend.
19/01/2004 11:00
Kildow calls for more in Cortina
"It was pretty much the same weather for everybody with snow falling and flat light, pretty much like [Saturday]," she said. "It's a nice course. We need more races in Cortina, I think." Kildow, 19, who collected her first top-15 earlier this season in Lake Louise, Alberta. 
19/01/2004 10:18
Acrobatic show by Mancuso
"It was such a tight race and Lindsey did a super job to back-up her fifth from [Saturday]," said U.S. Head Coach Patrick Riml. "Goetschl and Lindsey were tied at the last split and Goetschl made up that hundredth to the finish...but, obviously, Lindsey skied so well again.
19/01/2004 10:00
 New situation for Clark
It's not very often Clark - who now has preferred-start status if she's not in a top seed because of her 400-plus points - is fifth and sixth in consecutive speed races - and is second American each time. "Yeah, but it's awesome to have Lindsey on the podium and still be part of it.

General Standing
World cup Leader

Maier Hermann
07.12.1972 (Flachau)
Ski: Atomic
  Maier Hermann  922
  Raich Benjamin  918
  Eberharter Stefan  869
  Kjus Lasse  824
  Miller Bode  771
  Rahlves Daron  672
  Walchhofer Michael  653
  Knauss Hans  629
  Palander Kalle  626
  Schifferer Andreas  584

World cup Leader

Gotschl Renate
06.08.1975 (Obdach)
Ski: Salomon
  Gotschl Renate  1048
  Paerson Anja  1020
  Gerg Hilde  870
  Montillet Carole  853
  Dorfmeister Michaela  756
  Riesch Maria  602
  Ertl Martina  597
  Meissnitzer Alexandra  580
  Hosp Nicole  566
  Clark Kirsten  456

Next Races
07.02.2004 Adelboden (SUI) GS
07.02.2004 Region Arber (GER) GS
08.02.2004 Adelboden (SUI) SL
08.02.2004 Region Arber (GER) SL
14.02.2004 St. Anton (AUT) DH
15.02.2004 St. Anton (AUT) SL
21.02.2004 Are (SWE) SG 


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Световната Купа в Аделбоден и Регион Арбер – 07 Февруари 2004 - 21:40
Слаломите в Аделбоден и Регион Арбер – 09 Февруари 2004 - 00:44
Със състезанието в Маврово започва ски шампионата на Македония – 15 Февруари 2004 - 17:20
Спускане и Слалом в Сент Антон – 15 Февруари 2004 - 17:34
Шведка първа в Швеция – 23 Февруари 2004 - 01:09

Световната Алпийска Купа във Венген и Кортина д'Ампецо – 21 Януари 2004 - 22:47
World Cup weekend – 17 Януари 2004 - 20:03
Алпийската Световна Купа накратко – 12 Януари 2004 - 23:46
Четвърто попадение за Персон – 19 Декември 2003 - 19:04
Ивица Костелич напомни за себе си – 16 Декември 2003 - 05:41

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